Chapter 142: Conclusion Part 1

“Tilith, if you can’t bear to finish her off then I’ll do it! A frightening existence like her mustn’t be allowed to exist!” The towering man gave out the command to kill without any hesitation, and from the looks of it, planned to step in himself. Tilith breathed another heavy sigh before shaking her head and saying, “Team Leader, I’ll …

Chapter 141: Dual-sin Anointed Apostle

I’m definitely Mo Ke, so how did I become an imposter!? I wanted to explain myself, but it was too late. “Impossible…how could he have been eaten by a devil…wasn’t he kidnapped by slave traders…he was only 8 years old when he left the village…no wonder you used Mo Ke’s words then, I even wondered why you were so familiar …

Chapter 140: Split Personality?

Under the wary gaze of Uncle Zarah, I returned to an empty home… Looks like Roscar left the house as well. Walking up to a nearby tree, I reached into the hole on its trunk and withdrew a dusty key that had probably been in there for at least a year and unlocked the door. A year…this was the first …

Chapter 139: Returning Home

In the past, I died saving a loli and ended up coming to this world by accident. In order not to forget my true origins, I would often use Chinese while learning about the human languages of this world. I would pen my journal entries in Chinese; seeing as I was the only one who understood it, it felt kind …

Chapter 138: Search For Nicole

I’ll admit that blaming Ferti’nier wasn’t really going to accomplish anything seeing as she didn’t scare away my pee pee on purpose. In light of that I should probably be more accepting of her as well but that still didn’t tell me how was I going to coax my pee pee back. “Once this one separates from you, all you …

Chapter 137: The Long Awaited…Village Departure!

Originally, I intended to take a walk outside but in the end…that was interrupted by a visit from dumb and dumber, Dioh and Moranthal. I already told them that I’m a man so why must I still be courted by a couple of man…blergh…disgusting! Well, at least their antics are amusing. However, their mutual backstabbing came to an icy end …

Chapter 136: Piercing Shadow

Werewolves and the Blood Clan (vampires) were both creatures of darkness but were sworn enemies. The enmity between the two races went all the way back to the era of the Blood Clan’s first ancestor, Cain. Bloodkin weren’t able to act during the day as they were afraid of the sun. Thus, the easiest way to kill them was to …

Chapter 135: Transformation

Werewolves the unexpected side product of Nightblade’s rampage. Normally, they would spend their time in human form and only transform during the night. This transformation couldn’t be done whenever they wanted to but could only happen at night and was best done under the moonlight. Werewolves who had less control over their bodies would begin to lose their rationality during …

Chapter 134: An Unexpected Development

“Hahahaha, you were actually able to destroy my weapon in one blow, as expected of that legendary blade…” He tossed aside the broken chunk of metal and nonchalantly entered a barehanded stance. With a provocative wiggle of his fingers, he instead taunted me, all the while wearing a crazed look on his face: “Even without my weapon, you’re still no …

Chapter 133: Dawson Reveals Himself

The bandits minions immediately fanned out and surrounded me, slowly closing in on me with blades pointed forward and ready. One by one, their blades swung down on me without any reservation, their aim, to kill me. Thankfully, my identity had already been exposed so there was no longer a need for me to hold back. The moment the bandit …