Chapter 122: Unexpected Conflict

Was she hurt by my hesitation, or did she suddenly remember something hurtful? Sh*t, I had no experience with this sort of situation…where do I even put my hands? This bit of clumsiness didn’t escape her eyes as she giggled amidst her sniffling. She lowered her head and without wiping off her tears, took a few steps back and said: …

Chapter 121: Ancarin’s Tears

Having taken care of the most troublesome fellow, we stayed the night in his home. The next morning, Eddison kept to his word and began rallying the men of his village. All in all, he swiftly recruited 120 hunters of which 17 were two-stars while the others were one-star. The same situation repeated itself for the other two villages bringing …

Chapter 120: Persuading Eddison Part 2

Honestly, all that meant just one thing…it was just too late to run away now… “If the enemy is truly that strong then that’s all the more reason I won’t let you guys off the hook.” It was then that Ancarin showed a side of her which I had never seen before. While she was still smiling, that smile had …

Chapter 119: Persuading Eddison Part 1

As Eddison and George stared daggers at each other, the rest of us glanced at each other with a worried look in our eyes. Unlike the previous two villages, this situation didn’t look like it would resolve itself. That meat sack Moranthal inexplicably came onto us after some persuasion. That drunkard Io came on board after a good thrashing. Yet …

Chapter 118: The Fatty Eddison

Having unexpectedly dealt with Moranthal, we didn’t tarry any longer and instead pushed on to the next village. This was the last village we had to convince, and luckily it was really close to the South Plateau village; barely 2 hours of traveling was required to reach it. Even though night had fallen, we pushed onwards in midst of the …

Chapter 117: Unpredictable Matters

While that story was slightly far-fetched, it actually happened to Moranthal. As if to prove that fact, right after he told his tale, he let forth a hysterical wail aimed right at our resident verbal artillery, Dioh. “Her heart isn’t even with me anymore, is there even any point of snatching her back!? Go ahead, tell me! Why won’t you …

Chapter 116: A Nonsensical Drama

Dude, couldn’t you have just said so from the start! Couldn’t you have just communicated like a normal person, weren’t we all adults here!? Did we really have to partake in this childish game at our age!? As if he had predicted this would happen, George’s face remained calm as ever as he said: “Sigh…I’ve heard about your situation. Don’t …

Chapter 115: A Polite Moranthal

“Targets huh…I know that…I want to slaughter those damned bandits as well but…not everyone in the village understands this logic.” Io clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he said that. With a agitated but conflicted look on his face, he said: “I want nothing more than to rip those curs apart! If only I was my own man…but…I…” …

Chapter 114: The Drunkard Io

And so, the party was set with me, Ancarin, George, Dioh and Kevin; Regine will guard the carriage while we’re gone. Under the leadership of George, we reached the first destination along our trip of aid-seeking. It was the village closest to the Plateau Original Village. Its founder was a person called Iroi, so the village was called Iroi Village. …

Chapter 113: Reinforcements for the Village

George gave the suggestion some thought before he finally shook his head and said “Putting aside the problem of money for now, the mercenary guilds can only be found in the city and the closest city is at least 3 days away. If you add in the time it takes to hire one, the round trip would take at least …