Chapter 112: A Righteous Argument

The sudden tummy ache left me befuddled for a moment before Ancarin chimed in with the answer: “Ever since I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you use the bathroom…” So my tummy ache was because of that… I’ll give her that…I haven’t actually gone to the toilet since returning to the Western Human Realms. To be exact, I’ve only done …

Chapter 111: An Unexpected Departure

Seen in that light, one might think that Dioh was a scheming potato, yet I knew that this was not the case. The hot headed teen had merely acted on his impulses with not much scheming to speak of. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that this second sneak attack of his forced the Third Chief’s hand. Whether it …

Chapter 110: Peace Talks?

Having tangled with these eight wolves for so long, the fact that they were able to toy with me up till now was without a doubt, an embarrassment. It goes without saying that I was lacking in certain areas, namely strength. Other than my speed, it could be said that my other attributes were definitely stronger than a one-star but …

Chapter 109: Battling the Three-Star

*awooo* With a resounding howl, the tamed wolves leaped into the fray turning the already messy battlefield into an even more chaotic one. A portion of these wolves went to aid the bandit minions while the remainder split off to harass me. The Third Chief was definitely a lot stronger than me. Had it not been for my high-grade blade …

Chapter 108: An Unexpected Confrontation

“You…who’re you?” His eyebrows jumped as he laid eyes on my expressionless mask. However, for a man with good mental fortitude like the Third Chief’s, such a fright was easily recovered from; of course, it could just be that idiots have more fun. The Third Chief puffed up his chest and threw me a look filled with disdain as if …

Chapter 107: The Strange Chief

“Before that, I’ll twist off your head.” George growled, not intending to back off one bit. Yet as he said that, his eyes flickered. It wasn’t that he was cowardly but rather he was afraid of implicating his wife. The smallfry balked at his rebuttal and immediately shifted the topic back to the culprits, not at all willing to spend …

Chapter 106: The Arrival of the Bandits

Speaking of following and chasing someone, wouldn’t Regine know the most about such matters, being a thief and all? I immediately turned towards the blonde girl and gave her an inquiring look. She turned towards me with a knowing look in her eyes and shook her head. However, two seconds later, she nodded instead and threw me a confused look. …

Chapter 105: Plateau Hamlet

Putting aside the Canine Special Forces Brigade issue for now, they were in the end, just wolves, it’s just that they were smarter than your average wolf. Seeing her first fireball miss, Ancarin continued chanting a second, unfazed by her failure. Even so, the fireball’s sudden appearance had the effect of scaring the wolves even if it missed, especially that …

Chapter 104: Encountering a Wolf Pack

After she applied a round of make-up, Regine had a more mature feel to her thanks to the knife scars she drew on her face. While they were faint, their proximity to her eyes made them especially conspicuous. Furthermore, they had a realness to them that made it seem like they truly belonged there on her face. With her face …

Chapter 103: Disguise

The carriage came with two storage compartments, one large and one small. The large one stored Duran and his tub while the smaller one housed our travel necessities; food, clothes etc. As for us, Regine was in charge of driving while Ancarin and I sat in the passenger compartment. As a qualified thief, she had to pick up a variety …