Chapter 72: Silver Furred Werewolf

“Awoo~~” As the two-star werewolf ran away, he gave out the characteristic howl of a wolf. However, it sounded slightly different from before; it was much weaker and almost seemed like a signalling howl. The howl rolled across the battlefield, bringing with it an immediate change in the werewolves. No matter their circumstances, they immediately tried to break away from …

Chapter 71: The Chaotic Battle with the Demonic Werewolves Part 2

Somehow, I get this feeling that I’ll never understand the way these half-orcs think…I’m the one who enslaved them and yet they’re risking their lives to save me? Half-orcs were initially stationed among the reserves and so they were sufficiently close to the sabre wielders and the shieldbearers. My intention was to utilize them while minimizing any casualties among them. …

Chapter 70: The Chaotic Battle With the Demonic Werewolves Part 1

The reason why we were leisurely standing around was because our opponents were the werewolves. Against their speed, running away now was simply too late… Besides, if Violet Snow’s guess was right, those werewolves should be fighting against the medusas right now. In light of that, they shouldn’t be that brainless as to charge at us for no reason. At …

Chapter 69: The Demonic Werewolves and the Medusas

The legend of Medusa was a tale that had gone through multiple retellings and had a ton of different versions floating around. One such version claimed that she was a priestess of Athena who, due to her beauty, caught the fancy of Poseidon. Poseidon visited her in Athena’s shrine and raped her. Having been raped, her body was no longer …

Chapter 68: Big 5

Demonic werewolves are a subspecies of the werewolves normally found in the human world. They mainly live in Abbadon unlike their non-demonic cousins who usually hide themselves among humans. The main difference between the two lies in the fact that demonic werewolves permanently stay in their wolf form while normal werewolves are able to switch between their human and wolf …

Chapter 67: A Sudden Rush of Anxiety

“I just said that I’m not a lust demon!” Damn it, what will it take for you to believe me. An all female race like the lust demons simply aren’t my cup of tea…oh wait, if they are willing to be my girlfriend, I won’t object to that. “I’ve never heard of a thief calling himself a thief.” She threw …

Chapter 66: A Puppy Who Doesn’t Know How to Hold a Conversation

The combat record was abysmal this time around. After countless battles, my subordinate count had fallen to slightly less than 300. Now, it dropped even further, coming in at 237 after that damned attack by the half-orcs. The hellhounds had lost some members as well, their numbers only came out to 45. As for the half-orcs, they lost over a …

Chapter 65: Deathmatch

“AHHHHHH!!!” Upon hearing my order to purge them, that aggressive two-star half orc immediately charged at me, a thunderous shout spewing forth from his large mouth. The sudden turn of events left the imps no time to react. One-eye stood there, too stunned to stop the half-orc as he easily rammed past three guardsmen who happened to be in the …

Chapter 64: Demonic Half-Orcs

The fact that these orcs attacked our shield wall first struck me as strange. These strange orcs were smart enough to carry weapons. This meant that they were at least more intelligent than the ratmen, as for how much, that’s difficult to say. Either way, just knowing how to make and use a weapon, meant that they couldn’t be that …

Chapter 63: Strange Humanoids

The Prison of the Dead was a gargantuan maze that stretched on endlessly. While she said that the dogmen were nearby, it still quite a bit of travelling to reach them. One of the most troublesome aspect of a maze was that one could easily get lost within its convoluted passages. Thankfully, the hellhounds had an inborn gift for navigation …