Chapter 52: Stepping into Prison

The entrance to the Prison of the Dead laid within the black abyss in the eye socket of the giant skull. It was a relatively large entrance that allowed even the tallest imp among us, No.3, to pass through with ease. The only problem was that it was too high up in the air and so I had to use …

Chapter 51: The Prison of the Dead appears!

“Master is about to evolve, quick get those soul flames over here!” As always, the most level headed one among my subordinates was No.5. While everyone was overcome by battlelust, it was he who noticed my unusual situation first. Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered the other henchmen to send over the next batch of soul flames. While all this …

Chapter 50: The Zombie Horde

In the end, what’s meant to happen will happen. By the time I got to the outskirts of the village, I understood what he meant by “a lot”. No wonder he didn’t dare to elaborate…the devils were back, this time as a zombie horde. Previously, No.5 had brought back a skeleton army on his way back to “report”. These were …

Chapter 49: Mo Ci

“You…you’re…still alive…” With just a glance, I recognized who that legless, pregnant large imp was. She was the imp who got captured because she tried to save me. “You…” I wanted to ask her what happened but…there’s no need for that. It was obvious even without her saying. “Mas…Master…” She weakly opened her eyes and smiled at us as she …

Chapter 48: The Land of the Dead: Finale Part 2

The land of the dead… Mo Ci was a female large imp whose birthplace was Purgatory’s Blood Sea. Back then, her days only consisted of wandering the beaches in a daze and feeding on any kinsman she found; brainless days driven solely by her primal instincts. It was in this caveman-like state that she encountered her Master. Master was a …

Chapter 47: The Land of the Dead: Finale Part 1

The imps retracted their necks in fear as the entire chapel echoed with my angry screams. However, being angry was fine and all but I still couldn’t throw away the grimoire. Thanks to it blocking that attack down in the tunnel, I managed to avoid certain defeat. Just based on that fact alone, I had no reason to get angry …

Chapter 46: The End of Chipped Horn

Peasants in this new world had no surnames. That was because the nobility didn’t allow the masses to have a surname. For example, in this world, I am called Mo Ke but that’s only my given name. My surname isn’t Mo, and my first name isn’t Ke. Only those noble masters who had attained the rank of Viscount would be …

Chapter 45: The Arrogance of a Demon Child

As the two spiked maces hurtled towards him, he jumped backwards, perfectly dodging them. With a quick kick of his two feet, he sprinted towards No.3 and Big 4. Before the pair could even recover from their missed swings, Chipped Horn was already within striking distance of No.3. With a forceful clench of his fist, the incandescent flames wrapped around …

Chapter 44: The Underground Tunnel

The underground stairway was part of a tunnel that wasn’t especially wide, it was the kind where it was fine for one person, but a bit of a squeeze if there were two. Due to luminescent stones embedded in the walls, this underground tunnel didn’t require any lights. As I lifted the hatch to the underground area, the sickening stench …

Chapter 43: The Cellar

The guardsmen quickly surrounded the skeletal mages, preventing them from coming down. However, this didn’t mean that the guardsmen were able to climb up either. Their vantage point gave the mages a clear shot at the guardsmen. As soon as they discovered that they were sealed in, they began to fire off bone spears in rapid succession as if their …