Chapter 32: The Altar atop the Mountain

With the battle over, it was now time to split the “spoils”. The dead imps were dismembered and evenly distributed among the survivors, while the majority of the undead soul flames were sent to me. The remaining portion was split between the named imps. Except for No.5, all of them were on the verge of evolving. With their swords and …

Chapter 31: Skeletal Horsemen

With the bone broadswords and shields aiding the guards, the lower level undead didn’t stand a chance. In just a couple of strikes, one-star skeletons were reduced to a pile of dog bones. One-star zombies were slightly troublesome due to their innate traits, but at least a single strike to the head was enough to kill them. However it was …

Chapter 30: Bone Shield

“No.3, stay behind, One-eye and Big 1 go subjugate those large imps. Nine-finger, you’re in charge of cleaning the battlefield. We are resting here.” I returned the black sword to One-eye before finding a relatively clean rock to sit on. Ever since reincarnating into a devil, it had been one exciting and tense day after the next. Whether it was …

Chapter 29: Bone Broadsword

A person’s elemental affinity and strength level can both be classified into the following levels from low to high: Disgust, Low-grade, Medium-grade, Upper-grade, High-grade, Perfect. If both of them are at Disgust, you could judge the person as being unable to learn this element. For low-grade, this person could learn some low level magic but would have to expend several …

Chapter 28: The Grimoire of the Dead

Magical Arts was the collective term for magical chants and magical formations. A complete magical art must contain both a chant and a formation. If one was missing, it would not be a magical art. ——-From <<The Novice Teaching Materials of the Magic Academy>> ——————————————————————————————————————— That’s against the rules! Aren’t you supposed to shout [I’ll form the head] before combining! …

Chapter 27: Exploring the Tower

“I think you owe me an explanation and it better be a good one.” My finger shot out and pointed towards the closed doors of the tower as I said so. “I got curious and entered…” Nine-finger pitifully lifted his head as he said so, his body pinned to the ground by One-eye’s leg. “It was really scary inside…there were …

Chapter 26: The Tower Ruins

Skeletons began appearing about one hundred meters away on our left flank. In just 10 seconds their numbers swelled to a hundred, and showed no signs of slowing down. We had just swept through this area recently so these must be the stragglers we missed. Their numbers shouldn’t be that much. “Big 1, bring 200 large imps with you and …

Chapter 25: Mountain of the Dead

The nights in this new environment were quiet. There weren’t any sounds of waves crashing against the coast here.There weren’t any insects incessantly chirping at night. Nor were there any drunkards camping out in the streets at night, and there definitely weren’t any hooligans waiting to beat me up. It was just silence. Silent in a variety of ways. This …

Chapter 24: The Flame Whip

“What’s their combat strength?” “About the same as a large imp, Master.” “Weakness?” “Their heads. Unless you destroy their heads, they’ll keep on attacking. Even if you destroy their limbs, they will try to use their teeth to bite you…” No.3 seemed to have thought of something as he said this; his face had an unnatural expression on it. “It’s …

Chapter 23: Exploration

Hmm? Why was I unconscious? This place seems new…well…it’s not like this is the first time I’ve found myself in an unfamiliar world. Ah, I remember now, I activated the nether flames and burned that head imp to death. After that, I fainted from mana exhaustion. That was the story up until now. As for the nether flames…well…I’m not entirely …