Chapter 261: Let’s Eat This Then

The Black Blood Insects were a rather fascinating insect life form. Strictly speaking, they were underground creatures. Though they sometimes came up to the surface to forage for food, those times were in the minority.   Black Blood Insects fed on rocks, but not just any old rocks –they had to be rocks with mana in them. Such a rock …

Chapter 260: Food

With regards to that one-armed golem, I checked it personally and found, to my surprise, a set of golden humanoid bones…so what was I to make of this? Well…the construction of these golems ought to have something to do with undead magic…whether or not the golems made by humans were the same or not, that I didn’t know…for these golems …

Chapter 259: Nola Joins Us

“Our destination is the ruins of Sable Radiance’s Palace. According to the information I was given, we just have to head north but I’m not sure how far we have to travel.” I could tell that this salamander wasn’t going to harm us at all. Thus, I happily told it our destination without any reservation whatsoever: “Based on the fact …

Chapter 258: Out of Danger

The first phase of scouting has been completed. 1000 skeleton soldiers were sent out for this expedition and all 1000 had successfully made landfall…intelligence reports indicate…the soldiers managed to land in one of the human cities. The humans of this world are exceptionally frail, not advisable as a replenishment source. Modification is required. The humans of the new world possess …

Chapter 257: Near Death…

My body slammed against the floor like a rag doll, causing a powerful wave of pain to wash over me in an instant. So strong was the pain, that it almost caused to me to have an out-of-body experience. My screaming nerves immediately seized control of my limbs, causing me to lie there, unable to move to at all while …

Chapter 256: An Inevitable Fight

“Big 4, come help me!” Not satisfied with giving up so quickly, No.3 charged at the golem once more. This time however, he had learnt his lesson. Prior to impact, he transformed into an elemental state and tried to use his elemental energy to hurt the golem.   Infant Flame Devils weren’t able to fully turn themselves into flames. At …

Chapter 255: A Broken Down Golem

‘I, the great Mo Ke, never leave a name behind when I perform a good deed, thus our departures are always dashing and gallant.’   In actuality, I tried to ask Nozala if he knew about the exact location of the palace of Sable Radiance, unfortunately, all I got was an ‘I don’t know’. To be honest, all the different …

Chapter 254: It’s Out

As the saying went, ‘a leopard never changes its spots’; some fundamental things were just too hard to change. Just like how a dog likes to lick strange matters, like how cats loved fish, or like how otakus had to love lolis, all of these were laws written into nature itself, facts, unchanging…   In short, expecting me to abandon …

Chapter 253: Nozala

To be honest, that salamander’s speed wasn’t really that slow; it was just my irate mood that made me feel so uncomfortable.   In terms of its speed, it was at least at the level of a sprinting human male. Furthermore, as a creature of Purgatory, one could be sure that its stamina was sufficient to cover the entire three …

Chapter 252: I Never Asked You to Trust Me

“Your levels aren’t high enough, and your strengths not high enough as well. Forcing yourselves would only hinder our progress instead.” Sinmosa shook her head and flatly stated as such: “If you guys really want to help out, just stand there quietly.”   “…”   ‘Who knew…Sinmosa actually had such a direct side to her as well…’   Since we …