Volume 10 Chapter 635: The Holy City of Darkness Nerosber’s Battle of the Deity in the Underground World (Part 1)

The western region of the Coristel Continent, the central area of ​​the Kristoff Empire, the Holy City of Darkness Nirosber. The underground area of ​​the Darkness Church headquarters building, the creators’ hiding area, after Bella and Noreya sneaked into it, they found the two first-comers who had been secretly observing the surroundings.   The leader of the Chaos Camp, Ruler of …

Volume 10 Chapter 634: The Darkness Church Holy City Nirosber Church Headquarters Death Battle (Part 2)

The western region of the Coristel Continent, the central area of ​​the Kristoff Empire, the Darkness Church Holy City Nirosber. Bella and Noreya successfully infiltrated the secret room in the Darkness Church Headquarters. They found the captured high-level personnel of the Darkness Church and the beautiful girls of the high-level personnel of the Assassin’s Union. Bella, who originally wanted to …

Volume 10 Chapter 630: The abnormality at the Holy City of Darkness Nirosber

The Seventy-Two Demon King Demonic Pillars created by the Demon Dimension Creator Miscate were hovering above the Holy City of Darkness Nirosber in the Kristoff Empire at the western region of Coristel Continent. The battle between the Demon Kings was still ongoing here. After Bella had questioned Miscate about stopping the summoning ritual, she took out the “Praise of Light” …

Volume 10 Chapter 626: Inside Satanber And Meeting The Pure White Demon King

The western region of the Coristel Continent, the assassin nation, in the sky above the Kristoff Empire; there was still a long distance to the Holy City of Darkness Nirosber. The Sky Demonic City Astaroth controlled by Bella and the new Demon Kings encountered the Flying Palace of the Ancient Demon Kings Satanber. This was the first time such a …