Volume 10 Chapter 566: The Intelligence War Before The Start Of The Battle In Adeline

In Adeline, the coastal defense line in the northern region of the Octavia Empire, the Demon Military Alliance heading south had already occupied a large number of territories. Bella and the others had basically no information about them, not even the number of troops part of the invasion. All 600,000 imperial soldiers stationed in the north were defeated by the …

Volume 10 Chapter 562: Birth of the Second Dragon Knight Princess in the Octavia Empire

At the central region of the Octavia Empire, at the center of St. Michael’s Plains, headquarters of the Radiant Church, Holy City Sylvia’s Dragon Knight sacred spot, St. Yoland Cathedral. The dragon knight title conferring ceremony for Ninth Imperial Princess Felia was currently in progress.    The one presiding over the ceremony was Pope Croft the Sixth, and the three …

Volume 10 Chapter 558: The White Christmas Day in Marion, the Military Fortress City

At Marion, the Military Fortress City, which was located at the outer part of St. Michael’s Plain of the Octavia Empire, Bella was following the student presidents, Elise and Stacey, to attend the royal banquet hosted by Emperor Octavio the Twelfth. The royal banquet was held at an open-air venue on the highest floor of the Calista Tower, the tallest …