Volume 10 Chapter 554: The Unknown Secret of Radiant Pope Croft the Sixth

The Ninth Princess Felia of the Octavia Empire had gone with Kriss, the Empress of the Gabriel Empire to visit the Holy City of Slyvia which was the headquarters of the Radiant Church that was located at the central area of Michael’s plain in the center of the Octavia Empire. Since the Radiant Church was still undetermined on whether they …

Volume 10 Chapter 551: The Visiting Expeditionary Army of the Octavia Empire and the truth behind President Maria’s Accusation

The Octavia Empire’s Northern Army was currently stationed at Steward town, a military town located a distance away from the headquarters of the Radiant Church, the Holy City Slyvia in Michael’s Plain in the central area of Octavia Empire. Since the situation was looking bleak at the frontlines, Emperor Octavio the Twelfth of the Octavia Empire had dispatched all his …

Volume 10 Chapter 550: A Dark Day at Slyvia, The Holy City of the Radiant Church

The St. Paul’s Cathedral was located in Slyvia, the Holy City of the Radiant Church which was placed in the central area of Michael’s Plain in the Octavia Empire. After fighting for a whole night, the God Chosen Priest Norris with a wounded body had finally managed to defeat the ancient Demon Lord Memphisgra. While he engaged in the fierce …