Volume 9 Chapter 485: Special Massage at the Gabriel Empire’s Sky Pool Palace and beginning of Bella’s Evil Plan

At the Gabriel Empire’s capital, Gabriels City (Sword Capital) palace area, Sky Pool Palace. Bella successfully entered this special palace by following the Johnston family’s young mistress, the double profession priest and swordsman Helena. The young mistress of the Renald family, Berserker Swordsman Renath is also with them.    Currently, other than the daughters of the three great princes of …

Volume 9 Chapter 484: Visit of the Hilikas Family Sisters and Kriss’s True Thoughts

At the Gabriel Empire’s capital, Gabriels City (Sword Capital) royal harem area, Princess Kriss’ palace. The Sword Dancers began to move after receiving orders from Myriad Sword Demon Krysan. The 68 Sword Saint-level experts that the Hilikas family had secretly placed outside her palace had retreated. The Sword Dancers’ limbs were in the shape of blades, as they also had …

Volume 9 Chapter 482: The Information on Hilikas Family and the Start of Infiltration Operation

Gabriel Empire Capital, the City of Swords, Gabriels, south bank of River Claudina, Southern District in Ignatius Family’s sphere of influence, Grand Duke Ignatius residence…  The news of Bella entering the Ignatius Family’s headquarters had reached the ears of all the senior nobles in the entire city. However, none of the nobles and ministers, who knew Bella’s whereabouts, reported it …

Volume 9 Chapter 477: Sand Demon Brandgore’s End and the Quiet Night in the Forest

South of the Coristel Human Continent, within the borders of the Gabriel Empire, at the passage to the desert domain behind the southern forest city of Brusk. Bella, Kriss, and Time Space Demon Noesha encountered a certain mysterious Domain Demonic Beast here in this fake desert and confronted each other in this desert environment. Bella wanted to try and scan …