Volume 6 Chapter 365: Midnight Exploration Of The Manasvir Imperial Palace

In the capital of the Manassvir Empire, Macnadix City, Emperor Manas the Eighteenth was hosting a banquet for the Olsylvia Academy students who had advanced to the finals. The banquet in this Other World basically lasted from 5 pm to midnight, involving dinner and even supper. The evening banquet of the humans was already considered normal. Apparently, the Demon Continent’s …

Volume 6 Chapter 364: Hidden Crisis at the Manasvir Empire’s Royal Feast

Manasvir Empire’s capital, Macnadix City. After the end of Olsylvia Academy’s Qualifying competition’s semi-finals, Emperor Manas the Eighteenth of the Manasvir Empire invited the one thousand advancing students to a feast for the sake of diplomatic etiquette. As the richest empire in the human continent, this banquet was one worth looking forward to. As the receiver of the “Warriors of …

Volume 6 Chapter 363: Perfect Ending to Lornosbill Semifinals Red VS Black Battle

The Manasvir Empire’s capital, Macnadix City’s imperial city region, Lornosbill Thicket battle zone. The strongest teams of black and red, Demon God Knight Bella and Priest Isaman on red against Blood Berserker Veronica and Curse Master Sally Roy on black.    Both sides were opposing professions, knight vs. swordsman, priest vs. curse master, so there was no obvious issue of …

Volume 6 Chapter 361: Olsylvia Battle at Lornosbill Battle Zone Begins for the Academy’s Qualifying Competition’s Semifinals

The Manasvir Empire’s capital, Macnadix City’s imperial city region. According to the competition procedure that was previously discussed, the six thousand participating students of Olsylvia Academy, grouped by gender, each entered the large arena in the imperial city region for the semifinals.    Due to various accidents, only two thousand boys advanced this year, while nearly all the girls advanced …

Volume 6 Chapter 360: The Last Crazy Moonlit Banquet Before The Semi Finals

The northern region of Macnadix City, the capital of the Manasvir Empire. Under the command and leadership of the warlord Prince Ernest, a massive knight’s army from the empire’s north was heading south. As the knights moved faster than the regular infantry, Prince Earnest’s army was the first to arrive at the capital.  In the west, the warlord Prince Bilberg’s …

Volume 6 Chapter 358: Break Time Before Olsylvia Academy’s Qualifying Competition Semifinals

After the discussions between Manasvir Empire’s officials and the school administration of Olsylvia Academy, the qualifying competition’s semifinals were decided to be held in the imperial city area after resting for two days. More than six thousand students were advancing this time, around four thousand girls and two thousand boys. According to this arrangement, the advancement competition would be a …