Volume 4 Chapter 186: The War Of The Seven Kings On The Harvey Plains

The Harvey Plains was the largest plain in the Beastmen continent. It covered a large area that looked like a vast expanse of green grass. The biggest battle in the plains in the history of the Priestly Continent was about to begin.   According to the information Bella got when she was acting Demon King, the Dark Humans had more …

Volume 4 Chapter 185: The Dark and Turbulent Night Before the Battle of Harvey Plains

Harvey Plains, on the hills where the Dark Humans’ camp was located, the two princesses of the Dark Human’s Venifreza Empire, Elsa and Erica, were currently feeling incredibly excited at summoning a new Demon King.    “Honorable Demon Kings, how may I address you?”    “Ahem… there are too many people here. Can the males give us some privacy? Leave …

Volume 4 Chapter 184: The Night Before The War Of The Harvey Plains

The strange snowfall over the Beastmen continent was most likely the work of the demons. Bella looked up at the sky. The dark clouds seemed to be living creatures floating strangely in the sky.   At the highest point of Herman City, on top of the city bell tower, there was a light beam rising. The beam of light shot …

Volume 4 Chapter 183: A Special Gift for Demon King Bella

Herman City’s palace gates, the Death God’s face turned pale as she turned toward the person that had recognized her. It was a loli sporting red twin tails. She was wearing soft body armor, and the pair of demonic wings on her back was rather eye-catching. The most challenging thing for the Death God to look at was her bust, …

Volume 4 Chapter 182: Herman City Under The Control Of The Demon Kings’ Allied Forces

The battle in Herman City was still ongoing. Although Ezekiel was killed in battle, there were still eight hundred thousand Weretiger troops guarding Herman City. There was no way to finish off so many soldiers in such a short time. Elaine’s troops gradually moved into Herman City territory. Hal Fortress, which was relatively close to Herman City, already discovered something …

Volume 4 Chapter 181: Demonic Beings Wreaking Havoc in Herman City

Bella and Tania were waiting in line to enter the Tiger King’s palace at the perimeter of Herman City – the capital of the Weretigers. Many humans in the same line used to be slave traders who had now moved on to other forms of business and no longer bought or sold slaves.  “Isn’t this the Lady? Why, have you …

Volume 4 Chapter 180: The Calm Before the Storm at Herman City

The grasslands on the Beastman continent at night were uncharacteristically cold. Even though it was already spring, no hint of it could be felt when night fell. The demonic coalition had already taken over Wolf City and they had lit the eerie blue ghost fire to illuminate the city. This once bustling Beastman city had become a thing of the …

Volume 4 Chapter 179: A Night of Victory, Three Thousand Years Late

The grasslands outside of Wolf City were engulfed in flames from the battle as the demonic army rushed in like floodwaters. The skies were covered with so many flying-type demonic beings that they basically turned day into night.  As the city did not have any defensive structures, the demonic beings’ advance into the city was exceptionally smooth-sailing. The Wolf Tribe …

Volume 4 Chapter 177: The Celebration Feast After The Defeat Of Nolan City

The war in Nolan City finally ended before the evening of the second day. Afterward, the whole of Nolan City was filled with the smell of blood. The bodies of more than eight hundred thousand Beastmen piled up like hills. The demon allied forces occupying Nolan City had to send millions of scavenger ghouls to deal with the carcasses left …