Chapter 74: Bidding on Lily

Chapter 74: Bidding on Lily I investigated the remaining contents of the bag that Mels had brought in while I was waiting. Inside I found some fasteners, a lead that looked like it would attach to my collar, a pair of earrings with the deaf effect, a blindfold and a very lightweight opaque golden robe. While thinking about each item’s …

Chapter 73: First day jitters

Chapter 73: First day jitters Today is the day. It’s now Fireday morning of the last week of the month. I’ll have to head to Domoania early this time as it’s my first time on the job. I need to be fitted with the clothes I’ll be wearing for my debut and go over some things. My measurements were already …

Chapter 72: Training your Lily

Chapter 72: Training your Lily *SMACK SMACK SMACK* “OWOWOWY!!! Mistress, please stop! I’ll be good!”~me “Hmph! That’s what you said last time. I said that you would be punished if you did something like that again. You were warned and still did it anyways!”~Scarlet *SMACK SMACK SMACK* “You wouldn’t be punished if you didn’t do such troublesome things, especially when …

Chapter 71: Visiting the red light district

Chapter 71: Visiting the red light district The next morning I asked Scarlet if she could discretely inquire from some of her customers about Devora, and maybe ask about her club if the subject came up. We don’t want to accidentally offend someone by directly asking about the club because of where it is located, the red light district. It’s …

Chapter 70: Frightening revelation

Chapter 70: Frightening revelation “Finally!”~me “I’ve been a bit busy with the new dungeon items.”~Kat I’d been pulled into Kat’s divine realm for the first time in a while. “So, first, the greyed out traits. What’s up with those?”~me “I’ve migrated most of your attire functions over to using those two traits instead of having a system of its own. …

Chapter 69: Familiars

Chapter 69: Familiars “Lily, you’re a masochist aren’t you?”~Az “Nah. I prefer to call it ‘thrill seeking behavior’ or having ‘potentially dangerous hobbies’.”~me(note) “Close enough. Want to explain these bangles next? The charm bracelet is fine, but why would you put cursed items on me?!”~Scarlet “I checked with some others who used them. At level one, they only take a …

Chapter 68: Regrets of the ‘anything’ reward

Chapter 68: Regrets of the ‘anything’ reward When we got home, I went straight up to the bed and tucked Scarlet in for her nap. I also topped off my energy reserves since she would easily recover them in her sleep. Since I missed my normal morning cultivation, I went ahead and did my attribute cultivation for the next couple …

Chapter 67: Taking full advantage of a reward

Chapter 67: Taking full advantage of a reward Today started as my usual routine. I got up and did some chores, cooked breakfast and cultivated my attributes until noon. After lunch, I would typically go for a quick dungeon dive and sell my finds at the auction house nearby. Then I would head back home, make dinner and go to …

Chapter 66: After-bath and evolved slime

Chapter 66: After-bath and evolved slime Scarlet and I woke up famished. Last night’s bath had purged a great deal of the impurities from our bodies and we were now desperate to refuel. We both ate about three times what would be considered a normal portion for us. Thessa stopped by to pick up her belongings. As expected, she is …

Chapter 65: Flora’s reunion and the shocking new bath

Chapter 65: Flora’s reunion and the shocking new bath Hahaha, finally! The first thing I did after we got home was to lure out a slime. It was very successful. She came out pretty much as soon as she sensed the core. I ended up not immediately releasing her though and put her into a box in the bathroom. My …