V3. Chapter 6. The First Meeting. (Part 2)

While Kagito speaks I ask Grudell “And how about you guys, how many are you?” “Ha! We are a lot, if we take together our whole race, we should amount to at least 50000 thousand… but our race is quite divided” Grudell says it while having a self-mocking face, the others have a sour expression on their faces too. “What …

V3. Chapter 5. The First Meeting. (Part 1)

The timeless moments that happens in one life are strange and almost non-existent if you don’t realize about them. For Juran Miles there has been two, and strangely enough both of them has been because of an arrow. Common situation but with different results, but what affected Juran the most in those two was only one thing. Helplessness. Juran is …

V3. Chapter 4. The Fire Chameleon. (Part 2)

His skin becomes a fiery red and it begins breathing fire to us. Furious torrents of flames are spouted from its mouth, making it hard to believe that it really came from its body. Zenith blocks the incoming attacks of Cha Cha utilizing his skills, and I use the slight opening he made at his big move, slashing his chest …

V3. Chapter 3. The Fire Chameleon. (Part 1)

Since the battle against the Prinny Brigade, Kaiser has come to be one of the best and most famous Guild in the entire game, only placing second on a Ranking Guild poll arranged by KK Tv to Pathfinders, which is leaded by Brazen, the representative player of Krainall Kingdom and current Rank 6 player in the Level ladder. During that …

V3. Chapter 2. The Alligator’s Invasion. (Part 2)

“The Alligator Prince?” I ask her and she nods with a troubled expression as she says. “From what I know he seems to have almost recovered by now, but I didn’t think he would attack so soon, so I planned to recruit more warriors and prepare them for the incoming battle…” So that was why Azalea looked troubled before… Then …

V3. Chapter 1. The Alligator’s Invasion. (Part 1)

It has been about 4 months since the battle between The Prinny Brigade and our guild Kaiser Or roughly 1 year 4 months in Parallel’s time A lot of things have happened during that time, one of them being the reconstruction of the village. Well, it has been upgraded to a town now. The place has gotten really big, many …

Volume 3. Prologue.

The first time they met, they stood on different sides. Both of them strangers but with tremendous potential, yet too young and weak to become powerhouses of their races. By coincidence or by fate, they fought alongside each other, growing bit by bit. Adventures and wars made them grow and become powerful. Emotions and rationality creating new resolutions made them …

V2. Epilogue

An ethereal man is sitting in a simple chair in front of a bottomless abyss. ‘He’ who no longer belongs to the mortal world is called The Wisher, appearing hundreds of years ago. Always in the same place and with the same look at receiving people. At first, all of them hearing the rumor of getting their wishes come true …

V2. Chapter 22. Interview. (Part 2)

Like this we do what we need to do and come back to Parallel, Juran seems excited because he is going to taste the legendary teleportation himself. Kagito asks us to get close to him and the next moment we are already back at Hellish Village. We feel a bit of vertigo due to the sudden movement, but we rapidly …

V2. Chapter 22. Interview. (Part 1)

After finishing my fight against Zenith, a huge crowd had formed, well, we were pretty noisy. I even used 3 Elements and Zenith used Heaven Splitter along with his Death Force. it looks that marks are forming on Zenith’s body now with his power increasing, I might not be a match for him in a year from now. I smile …