chapter 163: to review the races

Out of the thirty-eight systems that the deities were submitting, all but one managed to make it through to the system. It seemed that one was actually submitted by someone else before Terra delivered the papers to me. However, the system that couldn’t be submitted was merely one to create a new class for the afterlife, one which would cause …

chapter 162: a war on economy

When I got back to my room again, I once again resumed the great fast forward. Now, there shouldn’t be another race that was close to ‘ascending’, so that limited the number of reasons for my alarms to go off. All that was left now was either impending natural disasters, certain technology developments, or the off chance that one species …

chapter 161: Merkin, F*cK yeah!

After sending the message to everyone to meet in the living room, I turned to invite Leowynn to the meeting as well. Thankfully, she seemed rather interested in her first ‘proper’ godly meeting. The closest that she had experienced so far was the meeting where I had hosted the tournament, which has been the only time where everyone had attended …

chapter 160: strength in unity

The kingdom of Hetheros had easily claimed several of Gandor’s major cities, failing in only two key points. These points were the capital itself, and Cau Buhnga. Inside the capital, the strongest army of the kingdom was present, so it was no wonder that they had endured. But as for Cau Buhnga, even the elven queen had been surprised when …

chapter 159: underworld and underprepared

Before I decided to go back to work on maintaining Earth, I thought that there was one more person that I really needed to talk with. Irena, do you have a moment? She was perhaps the person most affected by the addition of the extra worlds, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t pushing too much work onto her. If …

chapter 158: all the time to duel

It didn’t take me very long at all to find my way to the door to Udona’s room. A part of me remembered back when I was visiting the Admin Room during my voyage, when they mentioned that she had ‘redecorated’ her room… Well, now or never. Opening the door, the first thing I thought when I got inside was …

chapter 157: the demon’s hope

Ashley, you free to meet up? Would like to check in and see how Desbar’s doing. Given that Udona’s world had just gotten started, I wanted to at least give her enough time to get used to everything while I checked on Ashley’s world first. Besides, I hadn’t really seen anything from her world myself, aside from the rather hastily …

chapter 156: a river of tiers

When I got back to the Admin Room, I didn’t even care to read through the level notifications that I had received, simply sitting at the edge of my bed. My eyes stared at the floor, trying to remove the image of the bloodstained swords, of me cutting people in half. Leowynn wasn’t much better, and didn’t choose to come …

chapter 155: for this is war

When I returned later to Cau Buhnga, I learned from Emona that the copper I took wasn’t completely without cost. Since I asked for enough to make a pair of weapons for myself, the city lord had used that as a mild bit of leverage to ask something else of Emona. While he didn’t ask for any of the items …

chapter 154: strength in numbers

The impromptu negotiations continued on for over an hour, the original goal of simple translation lost to the two of them. Seeing this, Uvona and I could only shake our heads and continue the work on our own. Although we were interested in what was being exchanged between the two of them, they had long since stopped reading the scrolls …