chapter 153: cultural miscommunication

With the issue of the minerals taken care of, I made my way back to my room, and pulled up the market once again. Without any hesitation, I spent five hundred points on the blueprint for the Fairy Gate, bringing my total back down to just over twelve hundred. Of course, I haven’t collected the funds from technology advancement in …

chapter 152: the heart of the cards

“Udona wins the first match!” I called out, and everyone again started the game. This time, everyone was on guard against her, not wanting to let her get the advantage again. Everyone focused more on defense, and built up their culture and security so that her stealth units couldn’t so easily function. Udona was actually eliminated in the first round …

Chapter 151: Transcending language

After I made the announcement about the impending tournament, I decided to take a nice, long rest. One must never forget the comforts of a soft bed, after all! Anyways, by the time I woke up the next morning, I found that Leowynn had quietly returned to my spiritual realm. Good morning, father! She called out once she had noticed my …

chapter 150: a gateway to a brighter future

“Finally!” I called out after I ascended back to the Admin Room, immediately falling on the bed and burying my face in the pillow. I hadn’t hesitated for a single moment. As soon as the ship docked and I saw the achievements appear, I left the rest of the job to my Host for now. If it couldn’t handle even …

chapter 149: what are they?

The year was six hundred and fifty-one, and the city of Cau Buhnga had risen greater than ever before. The originally small port city had grown exponentially, but the declining population made the great city feel empty. While it was true that the city stretched from one end of the horizon to the other, less than half of the homes …

chapter 148: the maybe future queen

The easiest way to summarize the rest of the journey would be to compare it to the first few months, but in reverse. The monsters and creatures that we began encountering were gradually starting to get weaker again as the weeks moved by, though we were seeing new varieties that we had not encountered on the first leg of our …

chapter 147: resupplying and setting sail

After the failed ambush by the gantha, I wasn’t all the worried about the potential dangers that this island’s animals could present. If a level sixty creature could function as a predator on the island, then that meant that it would serve as a good judge of what the rest of the island would be like in terms of power. …

chapter 146: i spy

The two of us proceeded calmly through the outer layer of the jungle, but we didn’t let down our guard. If there was anywhere that might pose a risk to my safety, it would be out in the wild, whether from poison or an ambush. Although Keliope and the other goddesses could watch from above, there was still a chance …

chapter 145: pairing off

The next couple of days passed by rather quickly, with Aurivy and Leowynn pulling me into one game after another. Sometimes, we’d play the pre-installed games that had come with the new system, and other times they would have us play a game that they created or brought from the world below. Eventually, even the other goddesses became interested and …

chapter 144: i want to play a game

The next time the camera focused in on a scene, it was surprisingly in the middle of the day, the first real daytime scene that we had seen for the demons. A tall stone building, easily eclipsing all others nearby, with a dark shadow looming over it. The top of the building, like all others, was unguarded. This allowed the …