chapter 143: the birth of twilight

When the screen turned on once more, we were greeted to the sight of a setting sun over a distant mountain. As the camera zoomed in, we saw a lone figure standing atop the mountain, his large, leathery wings folded behind him as a cape. The figure stared off into the sunset, and as the camera panned around him we …

chapter 142: I dream of demons

After Ashley and Aurivy were done with their show, we all decided to watch one of the ‘movies’ that they had made about the demon race. Excited, Aurivy jumped up and ran over to a set of shelves near the TV. “Okay… uhm… let’s start with an introduction!” She grabbed the first in a row of DVDs and inserted it …

chapter 141: homesick

After leaving the dungeon, our journey continued with little real change. Naturally, we weren’t going to come across another dungeon or anything like that. In fact, we went a full three months without even seeing another island, which is when things started to turn sour aboard the ship. By now, we had been at sea for half of a year. …

chapter 140: splitting the spoils

The journey to the surface was an easy one, as the entire dungeon was just a single floor. According to Jiren, who couldn’t stop talking the entire way, this was rather unusual for dungeons. Most dungeons that she had seen had wide expanses of caves and stairs that led through multiple floors. Of course, she had never seen a dungeon …

chapter 139: the crawl of the dungeon

Once the clerics arrived, we moved back to the side to allow them through. They took one look at the molten floor ahead of us and nodded with a small smile. “Sisters, guide our hands.” They prayed together, extending their hands forward. The three clerics were all beautiful women, one each from the felyn, kitsune, and lycan races. A small …

chapter 138: we’ve got gunning flames

The scout briefly stepped up to the door, looking it over. “Doesn’t seem trapped anywhere. No hidden mechanisms or set spells, so it should be safe.” After saying that, he stepped back, allowing me to push open the door. The room behind was much wider that I had expected, roughly thirty meters across, and fifty deep. The dim light of …

chapter 137: welcome to the dungeon

Just as Aurivy promised, it was less than a week before we came across another strange event. The weather was fair, not a cloud to be seen, and the crew was happily singing aboard the deck of the Jolly Dodger. “The King will take his tribute, the King will take his due.” Dis’ni started them off, a wide grin on …

chapter 136: the man who would not be king

Honestly, it wasn’t just me. All of the druids had practically collapsed once the storm had finished passing. I couldn’t feel anyone tampering with the natural energy around the ships, so every captain had likely given their druids a break. Though, to say that I was completely allowed to rest was also a lie. “Mind if I join you for …

chapter 135: through the eye of the storm

Content with the answers that Emona had given me, I returned to my seat near the front of the ship. Looking out at the horizon, I could tell that it would only be a few hours before we would hit the growing storm. Assuming that it wasn’t moving towards us, at least. That gave me plenty of time to… sit …

chapter 134: Aeons explained

I made sure to maintain my focus on speeding the ships forward for well over an hour, until the strain of that focus began to take a toll on my mind. I could feel a dull headache building, which made me finally relax my control over the wind and water pushing the ships. Though, even after I stopped we kept …