Chapter 123: the power of the soul

Over the next few years, people began seeing a remarkable change within the world, though few were able to guess at its cause. The sparse undead that had roamed the lands at night, the souls of countless restless creatures, stopped appearing. Instead, some new creatures emerged in the world, as if guided by an invisible hand. The first type was …

Chapter 122: when spirits abound

I was half expecting to receive class levels in Druid or Spirit Tamer after creating the World Spirit, but surprisingly they never came in. Is creating World Spirits something that is not covered by the classes, and so doesn’t award experience? That was the only option that I could think of. Either way, there was no doubting the accomplishment of creating life. …

chapter 121: the fairiest of them all

While I was waiting for Leowynn, I sent a message to Terra, asking what the minimum distance was that I had to be from a settlement in order to use my full power without being noticed. To my surprise… it was actually quite a long ways, roughly five hundred miles for most races, and over a thousand for the heroc, …

chapter 120: decisions, decisions

To be honest, my expectations weren’t exactly that high when I went to look at the heroc territory. There was even the chance that they had been pushed to the brink of extinction. While I knew that nothing major had happened to them, or else I would have received an alert, that didn’t exclude the possibility of a slow decline. However, what …

chapter 119: the secret guardian

After spending a little bit of time with everyone, I managed to pull Terra off to the side, wanting to get her to help me with something. Assuming that what I wanted was even possible. “What’s up?” She asked, a pleased smile on her face. I took a deep breath, doing my best to calm myself. As happy as I …

chapter 118: happiness

Once I was out of the grey landscape, I immediately went to work buying the body for Ashley to use. In order for it to be comfortable for her, I decided to keep her general body shape, based on the image of herself that she projected in the mindscape just now. Of course, there were going to be some key …

chapter 117: deal with the devil

After sending the message to Terra, the four of us waited in the living room for a few minutes for her to arrive. During that time, the three goddesses began talking about a few of their experiences they had encountered with their mortal incarnations. I was not really surprised to see that each one was still using that system, and …

chapter 116: the devil’s in the details

When we returned to the Admin Room, I was unsurprised to find that the three information orbs were no longer on my desk. No doubt, someone had come by and taken them to study while I was down in the world below with Leowynn. Father, may I come out again? I heard her voice echoing out from inside me before I realized …

chapter 115: level field

After returning to my room, I finished going over the details of natural energy, and then began looking at the information I had purchased for ki. Like with natural energy, there were so many things that I had not even considered as a possibility here. It felt like, if some of this was taught in the world below, mages might …

chapter 114: a wide wide world

Finn sat at the table of his parents’ home, a young man of fifteen. Today would be the beginning of his Ko’Rin, the rite of passage undertaken by both the halflings and the centaurs for over a hundred years. After the great beast was destroyed and its wall of fire purged, the two races had found their people on the …