chapter 113: necessary education

After Leowynn finished absorbing the information, I let her return to my ‘spiritual realm’ so that she could begin practicing. This part of her training wasn’t something she needed my help in, and was actually more effective if I was not involved with it. I let her know to inform me when she was done, and began looking over the …

chapter 112: meeting the family

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Leowynn sitting on the bed next to Ryone. “So, how is it? Uncomfortable at all?” She had just received her spirit body, so I wanted to make sure that there weren’t any problems with it. Of course, it wasn’t like I knew what to do if she did have a problem, but …

chapter 111: A daughter’s courage

After joining the queen’s court, Leowynn was offered a variety of jobs to choose from. No matter what her position was, the public couldn’t so easily accept her living in the queen’s castle unless she actually did something. But, that was just fine with her. Ever since she left Cau Buhnga, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Leowynn …

chapter 110: A Mother’s love

Leowynn’s decision was… not an easy one. In fact, she wasn’t really sure what she wanted when her mother asked her that question. Yes, of course she wanted to spend the rest of her time with her mother and father, but she couldn’t say that was all she wanted. Not without knowing more. For the next few weeks after they …

chapter 109: once and future king

I let out a long sigh as I watched Leowynn and Ryone gradually walking back towards the town. I had the feeling I’d know what her answer was going to be, but there was no way I’d push her to answer early. No, she’d live a full life first, that way she’d have plenty of time to have her own …

chapter 108: the truth and the question

After seeing Leowynn falling asleep, I glanced towards the glowing orb that represented the Aki Seppo martial art. I had glanced through it before, hoping to get a quick bit of training in between conversations with her, but what I had found surprised me. Only about half of the information contained within the sphere was instructions on the martial art …

chapter 107: of love and loss

After I had spent a few hours watching TV with Aurivy and Irena, the halfling goddess decided she wanted to go take a nap. As for Irena, she seemed almost reluctant to part, but also wanted to check on the status of the afterlife. Which left me, going back to my own room and returning to the computer. I began …

chapter 106: core studies

I felt a soft smile on my face as I watched Leowynn go to sleep. In the elven language, her name roughly translates to ‘Little Star’, so naturally I wanted to sing a particular song for her to sleep to. Of course, that song didn’t exist for the elves, and I wasn’t sure whether or not she’d like her name …

Chapter 105: the demigod’s tale

From a young age, Leowynn always knew that she was different. Not just because of how everyone else treated her, but because of something much more concrete. The world itself told her she was special, that her blood was not that of a mortal. Titles Demigod’s Might Born with the blood of creation flowing through your veins, you carry the …

chapter 104: hallowed be thy name

This time when I descended, I again appeared on an uninhabited continent, near where I had first practiced elemental ki. The area itself looked largely the same, although maybe a bit more overgrown. Thankfully, this was not the same continent that the heroc appeared on, or else I would have had to choose somewhere else. I had descended in the …