chapter 103: brain vs brawn

I’m not entirely sure how long it took me to train. I was determined to reach the goal that I had set for myself when I started. After all, it was no exaggeration to say that this was a matter of life and death for me. I had been looking for the chance to get a good trainer so that …

chapter 102: practice makes perfection

Chakra is form and formless. Direct and indirect. As magic summons a flame, so too can it. As ki drives men to greater strength, so too does chakra. But it is so much more. Chakra is the mind and body as one. To master chakra, one must not simply combine ki and mana, they must master themselves. This is the …

chapter 101: Hidden knowledge

“So, you want to learn a martial art, huh?” Terra asked, looking at me with an impressed smile. After coming back home, I had sought her out, remembering how she had taught Keliope a strength-based martial art. “That’s right. Right now, I can win with overwhelming stats, but my actual ability is still lacking. So… I need a martial art …

chapter 100: d’ka sha

After sampling the beastkin food, we moved on to the next bit of ‘entertainment’ that the D’ka had to offer. “Ooh, I’m surprised that they are doing this this week.” Rinn said in an excited tone as she pulled us along towards a crowd of people that were letting out cheers and shouts. Seeing as we could barely hear each …

chapter 99: alternative facts

The theater itself seemed to be the only multi-story building in the entire city, consisting of a total of three floors. Each floor formed an overhang that cast shade over the floor below it, yet at the same time created a nice architectural design. Once the line progressed and I was allowed in, I was guided up to the third …

chapter 98: need more?

I was just getting ready to set up my body for descending to the ‘mortal world’ again, when the door burst open, and a tiny missile came flying in my direction. “Daaaaaaale!” Aurivy shouted out as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Big sis said you were finally ready to come down and visit us!” I chuckled as I …

chapter 97: watching the worlds turn

Huh… I never figured refining could be done like that. I thought to myself as I watched the scene of the felyn man creating a chakram. Though, I inevitably facepalmed when I realized the relationship between the name and its purpose. At least I’m not the only one with a bad naming sense around here. From what I could see, the …

chapter 96: universally bad naming sense

After returning to the Admin Room, I collapsed in bed and slept for… I don’t even know how long. Although I could technically go without sleep, and my mind was adjusting to that, that only applied to the Admin Room. When it comes to being a mortal, my body still definitely needed rest… which was something I had learned the …

chapter 95: the first true ward

After making Rinon get off my lap, the two of us went right to work. And by work, I mean she began lecturing. “Alright, so! The basics of wards are actually pretty simple.” She promised, though simple for her could mean a variety of different things by now. “For instance, the very easiest ward is a simple shield.” Saying so, …

chapter 94: the turn of the tide

For the next three days, the three of us atop the wall truly did not dare to leave it for any reason. That was because we saw firsthand what would happen to anyone the turtles caught. With the gates wide open, and nobody there to stop it, a wandering tiger walked into the city, following the stench of blood in …