chapter 93: cowabunga, dude!

I let out a deep breath after I descended. The body that I chose was that of a fairly normal elf with pitch black hair going down just below my shoulders. Taking in a deep breath, I felt a small smile tug at my lips as I smelled the salty air. The area that I chose to descend at wasn’t …

chapter 92: the race of heroes

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, roughly five hours according to the clock on the computer, I managed to get myself up and moved over to the screen again. I wanted to go ahead and prepare to descend again so that I could take a closer look at the world, but first I wanted to make sure that …

chapter 91: spirits be with us

After I returned to my room, I found that Terra was absent, likely visiting with either Aurivy or Udona. This left the room empty, so I moved over to my computer desk. Propped up against it was my personal sword, which I immediately deposited into the bag of holding, before moving to check on the world. When I checked the time …

chapter 90: bag of holding

As I watched Ryone ‘disenchanting’ the various weapons, a thought occurred to me. “Ryone, how does this process actually work? Explain it to me.” I had an idea for how this could be used, but I needed to confirm my thoughts on the process itself, and there was nobody better to ask. Surprised by my sudden question, Ryone glanced around back …

chapter 89: life story

I couldn’t help but glance over to the door after I heard Bihena’s shout. Shaking my head, I stood up and went out of the room, leaving a confused Terra behind me. However, she didn’t follow me, and simply laid back down on the bed for a nap. After leaving the room, I made my way to Bihena’s door, and …

chapter 88: turning point

As I turned to look at the other races, I suppressed a shiver that ran down my spine. I did not enjoy what I had done with the halflings and centaurs, or how I had personally been involved with that massacre… However, I knew that I had to do it, or else one of the races would have gone completely …

chapter 87: to end a war

Alkazar Fireborn A dragon born in the core of a dying star. A being of great power, and great wisdom. Trained in most forms of magic, he has sworn loyalty to the Keepers, recognizing them as a higher power. Alkazar possesses the power to destroy worlds, and the wisdom to save them. 100 points  I was surprised when I saw …

chapter 86: the true language

I gave a slight sigh as I watched the scene unfold below. After having rescued Tryval’s Hold, the entire city’s morale was higher than ever. Using the authority of the local guard captain, I had the entire city mobilize to rescue the other two. After that, I left things on ‘autopilot’ and returned to the Admin Room. Now, I could see …

chapter 85: watch the world burn

Carlack hastened down to his brother’s stable as soon as he heard the news, pulling the leather flap open to enter. “Is it true, Dayul?” He asked hastily, much to the surprise of the pink-haired centaur residing within. “You have truly found an end to our plight?” Dayul seemed to hesitate for a few moments before nodding his head. “I have, …

chapter 84: the jerks in the circle

Atop the city walls of Sorrow’s Shield, a line of centaurs stood watching the plains. They could see the many short figures on the distant horizon, with numbers uncountable. They were like a plague that had washed over their fields. The Kathar, or ‘Night Killers’, as the centaurs called them. Out of any beast or monster seen to date, they …