chapter 83: advancement

It was roughly a month after the return of the halfling scouts that the leaders of the various cities had all convened in the city of Sharak. The various representatives had all agreed to use this as the staging point for the upcoming war, as it was the closest city to the southern edge of the forest. Although I didn’t …

chapter 82: the end is neigh… nigh?

Distracting myself from the fact that I did indeed have a cult of ninjas worshipping me, I once again returned my attention to the war, curious to see how things were progressing. And again, I had time speed up drastically, watching them scurry around the plains like a long montage. Even after another five years passed, they had not returned …

chapter 81: shameless

I blanked out for a moment when Aurivy said the name of the plan, then looked at her incredulously. “Who’s been teaching our little sister naughty things?” I asked, causing her eyes to widen. Terra also looked down at her, her eyes suddenly seeming awake. “Yes…” She said. “Who corrupted my little angel?” Unlike when I asked out of curiosity, …

chapter 80: reputable names

The next several years of the war between the halflings and the centaurs was largely uninteresting. It wasn’t until almost a full twenty years after the first conflict when the two sides met again. Though, like the first time with Savir, this was not a full-scale attack, but rather a large group splitting up from the main force to explore. …

chapter 79: spelled correctly

After some time, I pried my head away from the screen, shaking it side to side. Although I had largely fast forwarded through the aftermath of that war, I was still fully aware of what had happened. After all, I had been keeping a close watch, and slowed things down when something interesting looked like it was about to happen. …

chapter 78: a call to arms

I let out a sad sigh when I watched the scene of Shara being reunited with her family. Although it was a happy ending for her, to be able to see them all once again, a lot of people did not share her luck. In fact, Shara herself had been truly fortunate. From what I could tell, Aurivy sent a …

chapter 77: a glimpse beyond the veil

Shara stood as the leader of the group of assassins, those chosen to block the path of retreat for the invading creatures. Among the five selected for this task, she had undoubtedly mastered the class the most. If not for the suggestions of her people, Shara would have been part of the main ambush where she thought she belonged, instead …

chapter 76: the battle of savir

Shara was once again atop the tall branch, looking out to the camps that had been established along the hills. Seeing how they used their request scrolls to carry their camps with them, it almost made Shara feel as if they had some common ground. If not for their more violent tendencies, she truly believed that they might have been …

chapter 75: war is coming

After the founding of Savir, the first halfling kingdom, the situation was fairly casual for a while. The halflings did not see any signs of the strange creatures approaching their borders, aside from a few random herds that their scouts spotted passing by. None of them even seemed remotely interested in invading the forest. Shara, still filled with confidence after …

chapter 74: a mother’s hope

Rubbing my face, I looked away from the screen and stood up. As things were going now, it really was going to turn into an all out war. There was no longer any hope of the situation being avoided without our intervention, so it was only a matter of how much there was left to salvage after the fighting was …