chapter 72: the cycle of pain

After fighting the final herd, the halfling troops– for now they could truly be called that– made their way back to the forest. What greeted them was a worried looking Hedra, who ran out of the forest to meet them as soon as they were within sight. Even she could tell at a glance that they had lost many people …

chapter 71: make him proud

After the battle, the halflings were left to mourn their fallen brothers. First was Havir, Savir’s companion. He was a swift-wind sparrow, able to manipulate the winds to fly at extreme speeds. Havir had been with him through most of his life, and had chosen to block that fatal arrow for him. Then, while Savir was mourning the loss, he …

Chapter 70: the final debt

I sat there, staring at the screen in surprise. It wasn’t anything too great that they had managed to defeat a herd with only so few losses, given the difference in numbers. What surprised me was their viciousness. When they decided to attack, they were like a swarm of rabid animals that had been unleashed. They even severed the heads …

chapter 69: the first battle

Savir stood, his back facing one of the last trees before he and his party would arrive at the lands of the crazed creatures. Before him stood halflings beyond measure. Whether it was the beasts or the men, he simply could not count them all. “Remember, brothers. We are not here to create a blood debt, only to repay one. …

chapter 68: the bloodied hand

“Well… that went worse than I imagined.” I said with a dull groan as I stood up from my computer, having watched the first meeting between the halflings and the centaurs play out on the screen. When I walked out from my room, I was surprised to find that the entire pantheon had gathered in the living room, their eyes …

chapter 67: bloody gathering

After my previous excursion to the world below, and my look at my status sheet, it was pretty obvious that people were already hitting the level cap. A quick check with the system confirmed that, and I was even able to get a chart. According to the computer, roughly thirty percent of people that lived longer than forty years managed …

chapter 66: no rest for the weary

After returning to the Admin Room, I first went to check in with Terra. I had been gone for almost three full days, so there should be an update on the situation with the beastkin goddesses. Unsurprisingly, I found her sitting with Aurivy in the living room, watching another animated show. Well, this makes it easier, since there was also …

chapter 65: waterfall

To my surprise, it took the entirety of the second day before I had been able to finish converting all of my ki to elemental ki. This was because the process slowed down the further I went. Since I was only sending out the unconverted ki, the amount that actually did convert became less every time. When it came down …

chapter 64: dale’s camping trip

Taking a deep breath, I crossed my legs, focusing on my ki. There was a good chance that this process would get me a level or two in Monk, but that was alright in this instance. This was experience gained through study, so at least I am gaining information while I level up, instead of just gaining the experience in …

Chapter 63: like fish in a barrel

Not long after Ryone left, Irena appeared in the room. On her face was a small smile, her wings pulled back slightly. “Good evening, Dale.” She gave a polite nod to me as she appeared. “Has everything been prepared on your end?” I nodded my head in return. “Hey, Irena. Yeah, everything’s ready. Your room is just down the hall. …