chapter 62: the fallen shall rise

By the time the brief fast forward was ended, I had already set up Irena’s room in the Admin Room. It was really just a copy of mine and Terra’s room honestly, since that was how her room looking like in the Underworld. The only difference was that her room did not have the computer I had in my own …

chapter 61: irena’s perspective

“Listen, it really isn’t as bad as you are thinking.” Irena said with an awkward smile while I quickly set the living room back to the way it used to be. “It’s honestly a little embarrassing that Terra brought it up. But, well, I can’t think of anything else she could be talking about.” It was honestly refreshing to see …

chapter 60: the pantheon united

Terra and I stayed like that for over an hour, before she calmed down enough to talk to me. From there, she was happy to answer my questions about divine energy. She had just needed some time to get over what had happened with Udona. Apparently, divine energy such that I can feel is not the same divine energy that …

chapter 59: sad truths

Roughly ten minutes after I had bought the pair of ores, Ryone suddenly appeared in my room. In the manner that she loves to manipulate the Admin Room, she simply appeared from thin air. Her face seemed somewhat tired, making me think that she had just returned from having descended down to the world. “Dale! I found it!” Judging by …

chapter 58: ore really?

After practicing more combinations of the various spell components that Ryone had shown me, I got up and left the basement, still curious on those two new energies and their uses. However, since the information fairy known as Terra was still busy, I had to wait before getting my answers. Instead, I went to the most unlikely of places. The …

chapter 57: underworld woe’s

It didn’t take me long to find the door I had created that lead to Irena’s room in the Underworld. In fact, I wasn’t even entirely sure how this door worked myself. Whenever I normally descend to the world, I have to have a body created for me. However, when walking through the door that is not the case. Perhaps, …

chapter 56: a fox’s fright

I let out a deep breath when I saw that the wave had been stopped. Although Ryone wasn’t able to save everyone, she still reduced the casualties by a lot. The rest were people that had been too far away from the city to get back in time, or those that did not listen to the warning. All in all, …

chapter 55: doom? Doom.

As I moved deeper into the basement following Ryone, the scene rapidly shifted. The floor marked with countless diagrams smoothed out into stone tiles, and a wooden table with two chairs rose from the ground ahead. Compared to Bihena, who seemed to have trouble making a basic stool, Ryone seemed much more adept at controlling the Admin Room. With a …

chapter 54: a guided path

After thinking for a little while, I turned back to the computer screen. Looking at the levels gained over the last fifty years, it seemed like people were struggling to reach the level cap now. This was a good thing, since it meant that I had finally found some kind of balance that would let them grow without being too …

chapter 53: the sky danced

I watched the map as time quickly passed, notifications popping up one after another. Each race was diving into their own specialties more and more after the points had been spent. In under a minute, fifty years had passed already. Looking at each race’s abilities now, I found that there had been several advancements. For example, the citizens of the …