Chapter 52: kingdoms united

The nearby residents have recognized you as their rightful leader. Please choose a name for your kingdom. This message appeared before the face of Cynthia Ryon, ruling queen of Gandor. It was not the first time such messages appeared, and many had even become a part of daily life. However, this was the first time that the contents of the …

chapter 51: tubrock’s birth

With a thought, the furniture of the living room was cleared away, and the stocky male dwarf from the ‘storage room’. He was clearly muscular, arms bulging as if he was ready to strike a forge at any time. His brown beard fell halfway down his rounded chest, his mustache flowing with it and at some point merging seamlessly into …

chapter 50: a wealth of knowledge

To say that I was exhausted after the training was an understatement. It wasn’t even because of how long I spent training the different races, or how difficult it was. It was the sheer repetition that wore me out. Thankfully, I didn’t have to do anything for the afterlife portion of the world, or else I might have lost it. …

chapter 49: the wraiths

Within one of the great forests of the world, a fog was slowly rolling in. Through these woods, small figures could be seen running alongside various monsters. Some appeared as wolves, some as giant spiders, and others as bears. However, they all paused at the appearance of the unexpected fog. This scene occurred in front of eleven halflings, and when …

chapter 48: lions and spirits and planning, oh my!

A short while later, Irena returned to the Admin Room, breathing heavily as she collapsed onto the bed. “It’s… taken care of.” She spoke to Terra and I, before closing her eyes. It seemed that destroying such a large monster really had taken a heavy toll on her energy. Terra nodded to me, and motioned for me to leave the …

chapter 47: hungry soul

Soon, all seven of us found our way to the basement area, where I would normally go to train my magic. However this was not so that we could train, but so that we could place down a dungeon core. And no, we aren’t placing it in this basement. My bedroom just felt like it’d be too cramped with all …

chapter 46: meeting of the gods

“Well, once Terra wakes up, can you gather everyone together? Feel like it’s about time for us to have a proper meeting.” Ryone nodded absently after I said that, so I walked out of the room. Looking down the hall, I thought about what I wanted to do until the meeting. Ultimately, there was one question that still needed answered, …

chapter 45: promises kept

After Ryone spent enough time making out with Terra that the latter had brought her hand up to caress her back, the two finally broke their kiss. The catgirl goddess had a happy smile on her face as she took deep, heated breaths. Although she seemed resistant at first to the kiss, she had fully given herself over to it. …

Chapter 44: my goddess

“Owww….” I complained, collapsing on the bed as soon as I got back into the Admin Room. “Never… again.” I didn’t have any tools with me while I was down in the world, so I ended up having to dig with my hands the entire time. Even worse, I had to do it with my normal body stats, not even …

chapter 43: the Keeper’s visit

After turning away from the temple, I decided to walk through the city, exploring it from the perspective of an inhabitant. I had to say, doing so gave a much different impression compared to the overhead view I normally used at the computer. Mostly… it was less impressive. From the map, it seemed as if they were creating the makings …