chapter 41: questionably enchanting

After Bihena left, the other girls began calming down. Aurivy was still pouting, complaining about all the new voices in her head, so Terra picked her up and carried her away to teach her how to block them. I hadn’t even known that was possible, or I might have actually made myself a god. Then again, it’s still not a …

chapter 40: dual domains

Setting up a room for Bihena was a simple matter, though it allowed me to practice altering the Admin Room. In the end, I created a room which I felt fit her. A wide room, larger than mine and Terra’s, but also more simply decorated. The bed was not as large or extravagant. There was a wardrobe, but I did …

Chapter 39: to anger the gods

I stared at the window in front of me, announcing the achievement. What… why… F***. As soon as I really thought about it, I realized that my announcements had an effect on the population I had been hoping to avoid. They now saw the announcements as something all powerful, which honestly wasn’t far from the truth. Still, I had been wanting to …

chapter 38: systems update

I talked a little while more with Aurivy before I let her go back to watching shows with Terra. When I tried to call Terra to talk with her, she just smiled knowingly to me. “Don’t worry, Dale. I’ll let you know if I want anything from the system, trust me. Worry about what the others want first.” I could …

chapter 37: a world divided

“Dale… did you have to make something so showy?” Irena asked me with an almost pained sight after I went back into her home. What? I’m rather proud of it! Thankfully, this worked to finish my old quest to put Terra’s image into the world, though I currently didn’t qualify for the priest class, due to it not being available for the …

chapter 36: the hidden god

After calling it quits with training the Spirit Hunter class, I asked Irena about how the Reaper class worked. Or, well, I planned to. Before I could get the question out, a knock sounded throughout the building we were in. I was somewhat curious how the sound had reached the room, but seeing Irena’s face growing colder, I figured there …

Chapter 35: tonight, we dine in hell

Spirit Hunter class unlocked! Spirit Knuckle ability unlocked! Reaper class unlocked! Spirit Bolt ability unlocked! The moment that I touched Irena’s hand, the scenery around us changed. This was not an unfamiliar sensation, as I experienced it every time I descended. However, I was somewhat surprised by the grey mist swirling around me. Although I had looked at the afterlife …

chapter 34: catching up

Nodding my head slightly, I watched where Tryval left to after vanishing from the sight of the centaurs. In truth, he was actually still standing right in front of them, he had simply made them unable to see him. I really need to get a list of what all gods can do like that.  Once again, I fast forwarded in another …

chapter 33: like herding centaurs

Fifty years passed in the blink of an eye. For the majority of the centaurs, that fifty years did not amount to much. However, I checked the population statistics for the variant races, and discovered something. First, the pegasus centaurs. There were actually two that had been born and were still alive. Looking into it, they were each still treated …

chapter 32: horsing around

After shooing the two of them out of the room, I glanced around our bedroom with mild dissatisfaction. This wasn’t nearly enough room for me to practice moving as a centaur. Closing my eyes, I tried to do what I had seen Terra do several times before. She was able to rearrange the entire Admin Room with but a thought, …