Chapter 2: Feminine Wiles

“Okay… show me all of the options for magic systems, Terra.” I waited patiently for the options to appear.  “Right, Dale!” She said with a happy grin, before a blue panel manifested in front of me. Imagination System Magic is limited only by the user’s imagination. As long as they have the energy and the willpower, they can create any …

Chapter 1: A Whole New World

Looking at the beautiful catgirl I had created, I did my best to suppress the drool that was subconsciously released. Business first, fun later! Lots and lots of fun later! “So, Terra, what can you tell me about all of this? The option said you would have the information…?” Right, Dale, get your head together, gotta figure out the rules …

Chapter 0: Prologue

Well… where should I start? Introductions, I guess. My name is Dale Mitchell. I’m twenty-eight years old, single, and working as a truck driver for a catering company. Well, that’s what it used to be like anyways. I should probably catch you up on what happened. So, guess I can’t put this off anymore. As I was driving back to …