Chapter 1136: Best Worse Case Scenario

Lena narrowed her eyes as she stared at the world barrier in front of her. The Keeper had tasked her with finding a monster so massive that its every movement would cause disruptions in space. However, when solar systems appeared smaller than a grain of sand, it was still difficult to find even something so large. She had, at the …

Chapter 1135: Those Who Learn From History are Able to Repeat It

The mammalian swarm flew through the empty space, breaking into the solar system and rushing towards Priscilla. With her eyes closed, she began to activate the divine abilities that she had received from the Keeper. Observation, Optimization, Speed, Battle, Sword, Performance, Hero, Strength, and Defense. With a thought, Priscilla activated nine domain powers, the maximum that she was willing to …

Chapter 1134: Cloudy With a Chance of Doom

With the Origin of Fate unable to directly deal with the ‘King’ monster, I had to come up with another way to do it. “Although you can’t directly consume its fate, can you alter its fate to lead it to certain doom?” I asked the twins, who looked at each other. “I mean, we can try? It might use up …

Chapter 1133: The Big Boy

Thankfully, it seemed that finding Pierce wasn’t an incredibly difficult challenge. Especially not once, a few hours after making the decision to find him, I received a report that there was an unexpected guest standing outside of Olympus. Yeah… he came to us. That really helped, given that I had already received a report from Lena that at least two …

Chapter 1132: Oh Cool, It Gets Worse

Hearing the report from James and Chelsea, I naturally did as they had suggested, mirroring Ryone’s powers in order to determine if there was someone with the same levels of divine power as a member of the Greater Pantheon. Surely, such individuals would be few and far between. However, after a few moments, I shook my head. There did not …

Chapter 1131: Exceeding Expectations

The rest of the meeting passed without much fanfare, having managed to secure at least the add-on that we wanted to get, even though we wouldn’t get any royalties from the main system. It’d be nice if we did, given that it was technically Lifre’s creation, but another Keeper had beaten us to the punch. By the end of the …

Chapter 1130: Streamer Plugins

When Chelsea caught up to us, and told us about the new systems that had been created in response to Lifre’s live stream, I was dumbfounded. First of all, I didn’t think that it was possible to create systems while you were still in the meeting space. I had always assumed that there would just be a mad dash to …

Chapter 1129: Patent Theft

Chelsea let out a long sigh after completing the game, glad to see that her strategies had been enough. She was still not confident as to whether or not she had planned well enough to defeat an Origin, but looking back… the game was never going to throw one at her to begin with. The game has to be fair …

Chapter 1128: Overwhelming

Aurivy hummed to herself as she walked through the streets of the meeting room space with Julia, the latter smiling down at her. “What would you like to do next?” She asked curiously. Aurivy thought about it for a moment, looking around. By now, they had played most of Aurivy’s favorite games that she wanted to share with Julia, so …

Chapter 1127: Silence is Golden

The four of us spent what felt like most of a day out on the water, relaxing in the boat with our lines cast. Every now and then, one of us would order a drink, which appeared next to us, or our bobber would… well, bob. There were a few moments of excitement when we felt a tug on the …