Chapter 1126: Slime Time

Within the performance theater, the atmosphere was lively. Seats were filled with Keepers and companions alike as one performance after another emerged. Some showed movies from their worlds, others sang or danced, and some told stories or jokes. There were even those that performed magical light shows to impress the crowd. Such was the typical method for the theater, and …

Chapter 1125: Get Some Help

Honestly, Lifre hadn’t expected Lena to go for the defensive game. Although the defense ticket was more valuable in the grand scheme of things, she knew that Lena’s skills were more suitable for infiltration and assassination. Is this like how Tsubaki does those Trials of Blood all the time? She thought to herself, tilting her head. These two games were …

Chapter 1124: To Attack or Defend

“So, what’s your plan for today?” Terra asked, leaning against my arm as we walked through the streets of the meeting space. “You don’t have any upcoming trades to worry about, and you already have the information that you need.” Ryone was leaning against my other arm, a playful smile on her lips. Of the three, these two were by …

Chapter 1123: A Warning

Lena closed her eyes, focusing on the new power that the Keeper said that he had bestowed on her. She could feel something akin to a gateway in her mind, and so she concentrated on prying it open. To her dismay, the gate opened slowly, almost theatrically, and it refused to go faster no matter how she urged it. Exactly …

Chapter 1122: The Big Reveal

With Lena keeping an eye on the larger criminal organizations, making sure that none of them tried to do something incredibly stupid, the days managed to pass rather peacefully. We created as many weapons as we could to prepare for the incoming invasion, and spread our defensive forces out across our inhabited worlds. Gods and Fallen Gods alike were stationed …

Chapter 1121: Darwin Award

When the twins told me about their discovery related to the Origin of Fate, I was honestly surprised. To be fair, I hadn’t even been fully aware of the limitations of their power. Whenever we needed them to use their abilities, they always seemed to have enough power to do so. From the looks of things, they just tried to …

Chapter 1120: Fate’s Banquet

Looks like the experiment was a success. The Fallen Terra looked at her twin, smiling. Should we go and run our own test? The Divine Terra gave a firm nod, glancing at the departing Leowynn. There was still one important part of the weapons test that they still needed to complete, and only a few individuals were even aware of …

Chapter 1119: Avenger

“All personnel, prepare for weapons test.” A voice spoke up over the intercom, the ship’s atmosphere growing tense. Because this was a test run for a new weapon, they were operating on a skeleton crew, just enough to ensure that they would be able to get to their destination, launch the weapon, and then report back. At the bridge of …

Chapter 1118: New Home

Across the various worlds, new dungeons were cropping up left and right, many of them appearing directly outside of cities. At first, this was a cause for alarm among the residents, as the dungeons could be seen as a source of danger waiting to unfold. However, the truth about dungeons had long been known to the general public. After the …

Chapter 1117: Presentation

With Lena’s introduction to Olympus out of the way, there was little left for me to immediately worry about when it came to the management of Olympus itself. For problems arising in the various worlds, we would receive reports as needed, so that was more efficient than me going down to investigate things myself. That wasn’t to say that I …