Chapter 1119: Avenger

“All personnel, prepare for weapons test.” A voice spoke up over the intercom, the ship’s atmosphere growing tense. Because this was a test run for a new weapon, they were operating on a skeleton crew, just enough to ensure that they would be able to get to their destination, launch the weapon, and then report back. At the bridge of …

Chapter 1118: New Home

Across the various worlds, new dungeons were cropping up left and right, many of them appearing directly outside of cities. At first, this was a cause for alarm among the residents, as the dungeons could be seen as a source of danger waiting to unfold. However, the truth about dungeons had long been known to the general public. After the …

Chapter 1117: Presentation

With Lena’s introduction to Olympus out of the way, there was little left for me to immediately worry about when it came to the management of Olympus itself. For problems arising in the various worlds, we would receive reports as needed, so that was more efficient than me going down to investigate things myself. That wasn’t to say that I …

Chapter 1116: Loose Ends

Chelsea leaned back in her seat as she listened to the report from Tsubaki. It wasn’t surprising to her that the Black Shadow had been the one to release the memetic entity. Though this was ultimately an unconfirmed accusation from Lena, Lena knew the person more than well enough, and had a fair amount of circumstantial evidence. All that Chelsea …

Chapter 1115: A New Home

Back on the planet where the ninjas had settled, there was a pitch black house, seemingly wrapped in an omnipresent, shifting fog. Unlike the manor of the Golden Shadow, there were no traps leading to this house. There were no patrols. Nobody dared to approach, for risk of being added to the property’s eerie landscape of oddly shaped hedges. Inside …

Chapter 1114: Chaos

The receptionist watched in disbelief as the hotel remained unchanged, glancing back towards the door. Pierce could see from her expression that she wanted to go out and tell everyone to seek shelter here, to use it as a refuge against the monster, but he shook his head. “You shouldn’t leave the building, or even open a door or window.” …

Chapter 1113: The Observer

“All passengers, please disembark. We have landed on Oranii Seven.” The landing pod’s attendant spoke with a smile as she greeted the travelers. Oranii Seven was one of the fringe worlds of the Kione system, one of the last few to be colonized before the Hyperlane Network had been cut off. Understandably, there were not many travelers that would come …

Chapter 1112: Cloudy With a Chance of Fun

Lena stretched her arms as she left the gaming chair. She didn’t have her own palace yet in Olympus, so Lifre had offered to let her stay in her room for now. “All done with the test?” Lifre asked, sitting on the bed and swinging her legs happily. “Yup! Just some basic stuff.” Lena nodded her head. “So, what now? …

Chapter 1111: A Professional at Work

Tsubaki sat within a sealed pod flying through space, leaning back with her eyes closed as she recounted her mission. She had taken this trial dozens of times already, each time ending in failure. This was the mission that had been set up together with Cici after reviewing the records of the ninja clan’s Trial of Shadows. In order to …

Chapter 1110: On the Hunt

Accalia bounded from treetop to treetop, leading a group of her huntresses on a training exercise. It was difficult for them to properly stretch their legs in recent years, ever since the world outside of the Hyperlane Network became too chaotic to regularly travel. Before, people would place an order for some exotic creature material, such as the fangs of …