Chapter 1100: Must Conduct MORE RESEARCH!

It didn’t take me long to reach the research institute where Chelsea and her team worked. When I arrived, I was immediately able to notice that quite a few things had changed. For instance, there was now a reception area, and what appeared to be a transit hub outside of the main facility, with signs of frequent foot traffic. When …

Chapter 1099: Trial of Shadows

With Lena’s introduction and prompt assignment out of the way, it was time to get an idea of what all had transpired during the twenty years that I missed. There were bound to be several new developments. To start… “It looks like you have something for me, Dana?” I asked, drawing the shorter elf’s attention to me. “Right, sorry.” She …

Chapter 1098: Among Us

In the grand scheme of things, twenty years was by far not my longest skip. In fact, it could be considered quite short. However, my truly long skips had typically been back before society reached a significant stage, or when we needed time to recover rather than focus on advancement. In that case, I knew that this twenty-year skip was …

Chapter 1097: Project Planning

“How long do we need to get everything ready?” I asked, looking around the room. “I’ve been holding back on fast-forwarding for a while, just so that I could let the world develop naturally. However, if there is an imminent threat, and we need more time to take care of it, I’ll naturally give you all the time needed.” Tubrock …

Chapter 1096: Darkest Night

I was out in the instance dungeon, training my various divine abilities once again, when suddenly I noticed a ping from the system. Half of a month had passed from when Bellarose sent me the memetic sensor through the last invasion, so it was time to be notified of the next invasion a month and a half away. My opponent …

Chapter 1095: The Birds and the Beasts

The following day, after being told where to find their ship, Clover and Lydia arrived at the orbital station. The two of them were more than strong enough to escape from Earth’s orbit without any need for a vessel to carry them, especially now that they had both become gods. When they arrived, they were directed to a large ship …

Chapter 1094: The Fallen Forge

A golden pillar rose into the sky, a lycan figure sitting in the center rof it with his legs crossed. This was a rather common sight in the modern world, so much so that the venue was often rented for those seeking to make breakthroughs in their divine ascension. For this reason, it was known as the God-Chasing Platform, which …

Chapter 1093: Come With Me, And You’ll See

Although the High Mother was mourning the loss of the March and their king, she was unable to stay still for long. After all, a significant number of their empire’s worlds were still being stored within the new devices that they had created for this exodus. Before she could deal with her personal feelings, she had to first make sure …

Chapter 1092: The King’s Gambit

“Huh… so he was being literal when he said that the story would write itself.” I muttered from my office, having deployed my World Sight to watch Galahan. For powers like his or Lifre’s, it might actually be more efficient for them to work backwards from the final result that they wish to achieve, such as what Galahan showed. Of …

Chapter 1091: From the Top Down

When Dana’s Reset Protocol was released to law enforcement, there were mixed responses. Despite this technology coming directly from Olympus, there were quite a few people that were against its use. These people, typically those with considerably high levels themselves, claimed that it was unjust to remove someone’s entire life of work, or that the technology could be turned against …