Chapter 1090: Sentenced to Life

After retreating from the ruins of what Lifre had started calling Bubblopolis, the duo reported their findings to the adventurer’s guild. They mentioned the estimated level of the ‘Bombubbles’, which Lifre had managed to get officially named, much to Petra’s dismay, as well as their predators and the information about the ruins. This was a rare chance for the guild …

Chapter 1089: Not To Burst Your Bubble

The slime and demoness duo continued further and further through the bubble-filled skies, a chorus of explosions following behind them. At this point, Petra had all but become numb to the blasts. Lifre had a talent for skirting the very edge of danger, allowing herself to enjoy the thrill of the scenery without actually placing herself in immediate harm. Of …

Chapter 1088: An Explosive Friendship

The development of the Holy Knights was not a matter that could be settled quickly. In fact, Priscilla used the power of these knights to create a temporary barracks out in the countryside that she could use to train them, letting them practice and showcase their new skills by hunting local monsters. This process took several weeks, during which several …

Chapter 1087: The Holy Armor Army

These days, it felt like there were fewer and fewer ways for me to personally get involved in the development of my world. As Tsubaki had implied before, we were now in an age where one man, no matter how strong or important, was ultimately less valuable than a large, well-trained force. Although my decisions could ultimately change the direction …

Chapter 1086: Foresight

The time of the next invasion was coming closer, and so far, there was no word from Ashley on her being able to replicate the memetic security device that I saw on Bellarose’s trade list. According to her, she just didn’t have enough information about the structure of memes to get something that could so accurately detect and censor memes …

Chapter 1085: Optimization

Tsubaki understood how the system worked better than most, and knew to take its advice in moderation. As soon as she prompted the Keeper to activate his new title, she knew that the result would not be immediately usable. What the system provided was not the optimal solution to the problem presented, but merely an effective one. Tsubaki knew for …

Chapter 1084: Productivity

While Udona was struggling with ideas on how to forestall the collapse of the golem realm, Dana was hard at work within her workshop. With everything else out of the way, she wanted to work on her personal projects some more. Due to the problems of energy consumption and large-scale regulations, she had to give up on the idea of …

Chapter 1083: The Sky is Falling?

Udona paced back and forth in her office, looking at the various reports that she had on her desk. Over the last three days, there had been increasing spikes in dimensium activity within Deckan. Simultaneously, the dimensium within the realm belonging to the March and Metong were disappearing at the same intervals. The first time that it happened, the change …

Chapter 1082: Network Security

I sat in my office, reading through the reports that had been delivered by Lifre. It had now been three weeks since her discovery of the black stone, so she had taken both Petra and the local World Spirit on an adventure. Throughout the process, they documented six different sets of black stones, the spirit noting that these appeared to …

Chapter 1081: Where There’s A Will

Lifre ran through the rocky plateaus of the sixty-fourth floor, the world spirit floating alongside her. The spirit had already identified another cluster of black rocks that were embedded in a cave wall far away, so the duo were quickly making their way over. At first, Lifre had wanted to simply teleport to the cave to begin her exploration of …