chapter 183: special education

Once the two of them had left, I was left alone in the room. With the world paused for the time being, and everyone already off doing their own things, that left me with little to do but to train on my own. And, since Leowynn was off playing with Aurivy, that meant that what I could train was not …

chapter 182: planning ahead to keep my head

As I pulled myself from my thoughts, I heard the soft melodic laugh of Ryone as she entered the room. Through the doorway, I could still see Bihena receiving her ‘healing’ from a rather helpless looking Aurivy. “So, are these the orbs?” She asked with a smile of amusement, looking towards the seven balls of blue light on my desk. …

chapter 181: to spend a fortune

I briefly debated with myself whether I should find Grimor to talk to him before going back, or wait until I was in my own Admin Room. Ultimately, I decided to wait. I didn’t want to have a question about whether or not Balu was really trustworthy when anyone could just eavesdrop on it, including the girl herself. Yes, it …

chapter 180: the life of magic

From what I could tell, each of the fighters on standby were able to observe the previous matches. At least, that was my assumption when the second round began, given how the attitude of the second Fert was so different compared to the first. Unlike the first fighter that had an air of arrogance around him, this one launched a …

chapter 179: bihena’s kathy

It took us a while to find where Bihena had gone off to. With nearly forty rooms to check, it wasn’t until we got to the one labeled ‘World Champion’ that we finally found her. With the amount of time that had passed, several Keepers seemed to have already cleared out of the meeting. This made the population of each …

chapter 178: the exam

The following tests were similar in many ways to the first. Each one tested a Keeper’s ability to judge what needed to be done. For instance, in the second test, what threatened the world was an ice age. This test was actually fairly simple, as there was a God of Fire listed as one of the assets. I simply instructed …

chapter 177: a more fitting game

From my brief glance over the two buildings where our game was hosted this time, I knew the rough layout of the area. Unless one of the others had spawned on either the rooftops or the connecting stretch of road, this gave me a slight advantage. I knew the scope of the playing field. At the same time, though, that …

chapter 176: finder’s keepers

As I watched Bihena play through her rounds, I began to get more of an appreciation for her talent in strategizing. I could tell that she hadn’t learned some of the secrets of the game yet, like how you could unlock special types of items by finding different resources. Even I hadn’t been aware of that until another Keeper told …

chapter 175: kill it with fire

Bihena was calm as she watched a battle unfolding on the stage before her. As the Goddess of Battle herself, she had seen this scene too many times to count. People praying to her for victory on both sides of the field. Yet, she could offer support to neither, for doing so would always leave the other side with nothing. …

chapter 174: an old game, a new player

I didn’t bother to stick around to watch the final round between MeanGreen and MissTery. At this point, there wasn’t a lot for me to gain from watching fight anymore. I had already experienced firsthand the level of power that a first rank Keeper was expected to have, and then some. I’d have to ask Grimor, but those two were …