Chapter 30: A Hidden Treasure

Chris sat on his collapsible chair, alchemical equipment and supplies spread out on the table before him. He hummed, and flicked through the pages of the alchemy book, as Philip slammed pieces of wood together as fast as he could. The construction of the bed was disappointingly similar to a human bed—although there were a few parts where it differed, …

Chapter 29: A Worthy Quest!

Chris gestured to his settlement. “Please, come inside.” Philip followed him in, and Chris picked up the bundle he’d set down, placing it inside the tower. He turned back to Philp. The man looked more haggard and tired than he had two days ago, but also determined. “Please, Sir Philip, familiarize yourself with Kingscastle. I will return in several minutes. …

Chapter 28: Harvesting

The tree was not tall, but its surface was like onyx ice beneath his fingers—cool, black, and slippery. Up he went, hand over foot, arms bracing around the trunk and branches to avoid sliding down and away. The higher he went, the thinner the branches became, yet they demonstrated the same rugged strength as the trunk had shown in its …

Chapter 27: Dao Solidification

He didn’t feel in any shape to climb the tree and pluck the last leaf—it had to be something truly formidable if the tree had been able to bear a continuous infusion of Xys’ venom for who knows how long. That even a single leaf clung to the tree was a miracle in and of itself. Since the tree would …

Chapter 26: Control

Inside a rain-drenched clearing, beside a gaunt tree that clung to its last sliver of life, stood a statue, made of flesh and bone, with veins of solid rock. The mist that had shrouded the center of the forest was nearly spent—along with the tree that sustained it. Even the rain was slowly dying, falling in sporadic bursts. But, from …

Chapter 25: Blood

Xys’ head swayed idly as it watched him, a gleam of anticipation in its wildfire eyes. Chris stared back, locked in an internal struggle against the compulsion to obey. It thrashed inside his mind like a caged beast, demanding to be released—begging, bargaining. It whispered to him, promising the pain of the poison flowing within him would abate, and strengthen …

Chapter 24: Venom in the mist

Chris stood in the rain, waiting for the last of the wisps to approach—he’d taken to calling the things ghost lights. It floated over slowly, fading as the mist diluted around it. Before it could disappear, Chris struck at it with his hammer, using [Sunder] for extra effect. The ghost light wobbled as the haze around and within it was …

Chapter 23: Boars

A snort came from out of the mist and two puffs of snot-flecked haze shot toward him along with a generous helping of rancid breath. The smell was thick with rotting mushrooms, leaves, and a faint undertone of spoiled meat—like a storm drain that had dried out and been left to rot. The shadow behind the breath snorted again, this …

Chapter 22: Will-o’-the-wisp

By his own best estimation, Chris rose midmorning to rain and dreariness. Still half-taken by sopor, he fumbled his way into his armor and slouched just within the doorway of the Defender’s Barracks, the wooden door halted from closing by one elbow. Sheets of rain lashed against the paved road outside and his foot hesitated at the threshold. Then he …

Chapter 21: Tutorial. Finally!

He walked out an hour later with three new skills: [Danger Sense]; [Mana Spring]; and [Sunder]. The first two were at rank F-2, and the last was at F-1. He had needed the first rank in a skill to be able to buy the second. The first two were the more expensive skills of the lot—especially [Mana Spring]—so he’d bought …