B2 — 25. Sari’aél

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Oh … who is our Empress courting?) Recap: In the last chapter, we learned that the Emperor had a bit of a secret with a Golariex Grand Duchess, and Nalvean females, over half the Nalvean population, are very critical of their men spending time with any other female species. Our girl has stumbled upon some devious little …

B2 — 24. Deadly Plots and Succulent Secrets

PoV :   Empress Elinor (What are we going to do now…) Recap:  What new Empire would be starting out right without threats made against her, neighboring nations questioning her little nation, and plotting against her? Our Empress finished the meeting and had our princess Tal’tamine guide her back to her given quarters, which is very fancy!  There are a few secrets …

B2 — 23. The Puppet Princess

Update:  New Maps – I found the time to update it a bit and bring the Nalvean Empire into the picture. PoV :   Empress Elinor (What’s going on with the Princess?) Recap:  Elinor had her fun inside of the Nalvean Court, explaining why she was there and that she just wished to gain an ally.  Her abilities are brought into …

B2 — 22. Political Sponsors

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Wait … what’s up with Iris?!  How long?!) Recap:  Elinor went to waste time walking among the Nalvean royal art gallery and found Yesenia enamored by what appeared to be a statue of a Seraph, a six-winged burning angel that is supposed to sit closest to God’s throne.  It was shocking to learn that this item came …

B2 — 21. Unique Discovery

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Wait … what’s up with Iris?!  How long?!) Recap:  Our Lich Empress had a heart to heart with her royal guide, Tal’tamine, and offered her support for the throne, that is, if she can make herself useful to Elinor.  She exposed the fractures in their current political system and pokes the girl to see how she’ll respond. …

B2 — 20. A Royal’s Game

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Wait … what’s up with Iris?!  How long?!) Recap:  Elinor has finally become self-sufficient, able to survive without the Life Fruit, having reached a Death Pool of 3,3245DE.  She is free to leave her Capital!  However, Iris is captured and she’s having to look for a new Court Member to help Elinor get her Jewel back … …

B2 — 19. A Courtly Show

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Wait … what’s up with Iris?!  How long?!) Recap:  A week has passed since Iris has been … not MIA, per se, Elinor knows exactly where her Spider Queen is … she’s just been out of contact, and she can’t find a way to bridge the gap.  Iris infiltrated a base hidden in the clouds … Baxter’s …

B2 — 18. Undesirable Position

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Wait … what’s up with Iris?!  How long?!) Recap:  Edmon and Amra’Cora, the leader of the 6-man Elite Hunter squad Elinor recently rose, are her men are helping them better understand the city’s power source and how it operates.  However, they are top-tier soldiers, not engineers or gem-technicians, which means they know how to turn a computer …

B2 — 17. An Empire Grows With Its Enemies Or Falls

PoV :   Empress Elinor (What is happening to her Empire O_o) Recap:  Iris was sent on a mission to discover what was up with the big bird in the mountains … she found threats … real threats, even to her, and after the worst series of failures in her entire life … she must report back.  An enemy has set his …

B2 — 16. Baxter

PoV :   Our Jewel, Iris (The Queen … is PISSED) Recap:  Iris was sent to see what the leader of the Jukal was like atop the frozen peaks of the colossal mountain range to their north, and she discovered mysteries all along its slopes, but her main objective was the Supreme Molifoph. It was when she found two, fully …