B2 — 5. Duties Of The Head Maid

Note:  The artwork by Robbuz is finished!  You can find the image for free download —> Here <—- PoV:  Emelina De la Vega (Head Maid; leading eight maids under her) Recap:  Yeah, Edmon kind of did NOT like Tiffany calling the potential Head of State hot >.> he literally #LeftTheChat after the Witch’s steamy remarks about his uh … chiseled …

B2 — 4. Empires Need Capable Servants

PoV:  Empress Elinor (Our Undead Ruler!) Recap:  Elinor discovered these creepy birds flocking into her valley through the night, and now we get some troubling news, The Avara. Basically, Smaug on steroids might show up and vaporize something, and we gotta figure out what’s going on, but first … our Empress really needs her maids!  Priorities, right? I want to …

B2 — 3. The Avana

PoV : Camellia (our diligent, yet self-doubting Spider Sister). Recap:  Elinor spends time explaining her system to the Royal Court, and came up with a plan.  Tiffany also suggested raising maids (we all know why!!  We see you, Tiffany!  Hehe!).  We have some new members of the Empire that will be coming soon! Tiffany and Edmon having their little coy …

B2 — 2. Set In Motion

PoV:  Empress Elinor (Our Undead Ruler!) Recap:  Elinor spends time with Violet, high in her black tower, observing her massive city and valley below.  Far in the distance, she can see the Great Ruby Lakes of the Nalvean Empire beyond the mountains from her tower’s colossal perch. Plots are running through Elinor’s mind on how to make her 3rd world little …

B2 — 1. An Empress Rises

Welcome to Volume 2! PoV:  Empress Elinor (Our Undead Ruler!) Recap:  Elinor raced back to her fortress to obtain enough Death Energy from the life fruit to pay the price of her Undead army … only to be met with a potential Life Energy bomb. Undaunted by the possibility, Elinor refuses to lose everything she’d gained throughout the torturous day and …

B1 — 51. Foundations Set

Note:  The end of Volume 1; next week, Volume 2 begins! PoV: Empress Elinor (Our Undead Ruler!) Recap:  Last week, we followed Koma, our little 3-year-old Ri’bot, tasked with letting our Empress know that not everyone in the Clan felt as the Chief, pleading, praying for mercy. Luckily, the Empress dissected the Chief’s plans, showed him a fool before Camellia mercilessly …

B1 — 50. Choices

News:  The next chapter concludes Volume 1 of UE, and we move on to the next stage!  Elinor’s foundation in this new world is set. PoV:  Koma (The little 3-year-old Ri’bot wanna-be Xaria from the Wixum Clan that Xaria Ectria, of the Delthax, convinced to run to the protection of the ridge with her parents, promising to train her) Recap:  Chief Kalix, …

B1 — 49. Pray

PoV:  Xaria Ectria (One of the three top Warriors of the Delthax Clan; considered ugly with her knocked out, single tooth and blue skin, splotched with light-brown, showing her mixed heritage.  Of course, few would tell that to her face.) Recap: Ectria went to the Wixum to warn them that the Delthax couldn’t help.  Chief Yimara took the Delthax for granted …

B1 — 48. Setting The Stage

PoV:  Xaria Ectria (One of the three top Warriors of the Delthax Clan; considered ugly with her knocked out, single tooth and blue skin, splotched with light-brown, showing her mixed heritage.  Of course, few would tell that to her face.) Recap:  In the last chapter, we followed Chief Kalix of the Delthax Tribe as dealt with the failing Wixum Clan, and …

B1 — 47. Revelation

News:  I’m really sorry, but I’m running behind on ATM since tomorrow I need to help my grandparents with their company, moving boxes (they’re 80 years old).  They’re moving things into storage, but I should have enough time to write it tomorrow.  Just in case, I decided to write UE first today if I can’t get to it tomorrow. PoV: …