B1 — 26. Rival Sisters

POV Change:  Violet, (Youngest Thélméthra Sister; most gifted with natural talent) Recap: In the last chapter, Elinor learned more about Iris and the Thélméthra’s natural order that allowed her to easily incorporate her into her growing Empire.  Now, we take a look at each of the sisters to learn more about their own personalities and struggles. Queen of the Thélméthra’s Name:  …

B1 — 25. The Queen’s Story

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor was shocked to have so easily added the spider family to her growing court, and Tiffany is having sugar injected into her veins with how tickled she is about the development.  She named each sister and the Queen after flowers, and we got to see a bit of the sisters’ personality before Elinor …

B1 — 24. The Spider Family

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor and Tiffany discussed the 3 Pillars of an Empire (the three C’s), and the Five means of Control that an Empire uses to influence its citizens.  Tiffany went through many examples to help Elinor understand with her limited high school education and to also put to bed any moral qualms she might be …

B1 — 23. The Makings Of An Empire

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor is riding one of her Quen’Talrat minions with Tiffany.  We learned that Tiffany is very good at hiding her true emotions behind a mask.  She lives for Elinor and if that means putting on a veil, then she does it with ease.  It leaves us to question many things about both Edmon and …

B1 — 22. Veil of the Witch

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor is riding one of her Quen’Talrat minions with Tiffany.  She’s been struggling a little with coming to understand her change, compelled by her new Lich nature to understand what it means to be herself.  She’s mixed on her decisions and how she’s influenced by her environment, and more importantly, this change that’s come over …

B1 — 21. Lich Nature

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor explored Ke’Thra’Ma’s Life Room and its properties, going over it with Tiffany.  They learned that they can use the energy in the room as a nuclear reactor for Elinor.  Although, it was also her ultimate weakness, and right in the heart of her new Empire. Elinor uses Life Tap and is now at 8217% …

B1 — 20. Living Reactor

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor tried to recruit Ke’Thra’Ma, and he refused, saying he served one master and will never be under another again.  Elinor is a little angry but thanked him for his contributions to her rising Empire. Elinor walked through cracked doors as her minions opened them, ordering them to shut it again.  She barely noticed the …

B1 — 19. The Sound Of Thunder

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor has just raised Ke’Thra’Ma (Title’First Name’Mother’s Name) and after a … heated objection to guests is going to talk to the White God in his most sacred sanctuary. Note: The poll was pretty clear.  UE will take ATM’s position on Fridays.  I need to start cutting back on one serial with the change in my …

B1 — 18. The White God

POV Change:  Elinor, our Lich Empress Recap: Elinor met a surprising terrorist against the main faction of the Yaltha’ma religion that belongs to a faction called the Hidden Ones, and they worship the Forsaken Ones, likely the spider creatures called Thélméthra. Using her dominating skills, Elinor quickly brings everything back under her control and gains a new follower. Elinor ordered Quin to take …

B1 — 17. A Fluffy Terrorist?!

POV Change:  Mostly in Elinor’s POV.  A little bit further in, just like what I did Dalria’s POV in Chapter 12.  This way you can get a glimpse into the minds of other creatures and how they view Elinor. Recap: Elinor, raised her new host of Quen’Talrat soldiers.  They may not be Elite Hunters, but they’re still a force to be reckoned with.  Elinor …