B1 — 16. Rise Of The Empire

POV:  Elinor’s POV Recap: Elinor, Tiffany, Edmon, Gwen, Dalria, and Elinor’s minions are on their way into the massive city-like fortress after Edmon went into detail on some of the engineer and architecture of the colossal testament to the Quen’Talrat nation, and the evidence of its downfall. The group fell silent as they came upon the dry moat surrounding the colossal black …

B1 — 15. Mysterious Marvel

POV:  Elinor’s POV Recap: Elinor told Dalria that it was her responsibility to make her not want to eradicate her entire race, and Valdar died after being shown by the jungle Elinor, her new minions, and the Vastness.  Pulling back the veil was too much for the old Toad’s heart. Karava, the Chief of the orange Ri’bot tribe, has stated that he …

B1 — 14. Omens of Madness

POV:  Fennel (Boss; Toad Warrior; Leader of his Clan’s Expedition) The next chapter is from Elinor’s POV.  This contrasts with the previous chapter’s implications; there are some interesting developments afoot when you examine both together.  =)) Fennel popped his tongue a few times as he stared around their encampment, giving orders with the sounds to secure the prisoners; they’d just …

B1 — 13. Forged In Fire

POV:  Elinor Recap:  Tiffany fed a parasite into Dalria’s ears and told them that the Empire would rise above all things. List of Elinor’s Abilities: Monarch of Death (Cluster Skill):  The physical manifestation of her authority as the crown and veil atop her head.   Lesser Aura of Supremacy (Connects to Imperial Presence):  Releases from her crown. Casts Horrify on others, …

B1 — 12. The Great Chain In Motion

POV:  Elinor & Dalria (A Small Part Halfway Down; Indicated By * * * ) Recap:  Elinor has been cleansed, and now they can finally start working through their issues at a bit of a slower pace. List of Elinor’s Abilities so far: Monarch of Death (Cluster Skill):  The physical manifestation of her authority as the crown and veil atop her …

B1 — 11. The Cleansing

POV:  Tiffany (Elinor’s Mom; Witchery Class) Recap:  Elinor is still talking to Demon while Tiffany and Edmon just discovered something is tampering with their efforts to gather the supplies for the Cleansing Ritual. Tiffany’s brow creased as her eyes swept the cave; she couldn’t see anything that would indicate something took her materials.  “Edmon, is there anything nearby?”  She asked through their …

B1 — 10. The Binding

POV:  Tiffany (Elinor’s Mom; Witchery Class) Recap:  Elinor is still talking to Demon while Tiffany and Edmon are looking for ways to help their Empress. Tiffany glanced across Quin’s bony shoulders at Edmon, dense mist swirling around them; he still wore his armor, massive shield in hand as he dexterously stood on the creature’s back, searching for signs of danger around them. …

B1 — 9. Coming To Terms

Elinor glared at Demon as his head tilted with his smile, keeping the pleasant chime in his voice.  “I want you to order Tiffany or Edmon to go to a certain mountain; I will guide them down its depths.  Within that maze is a glowing fist-sized stone; they must simply break it.” A low chuckle left Elinor’s throat; she held …

B1 — 8. Demon

This is 1/2 of the chapters that Patrons have been saying TO fans are required to read.  I hope you enjoy the bits of information found inside.  =))  If only our dirty little misfits could get the same glimpse! Elinor swallowed as she tried to turn, but there was nothing to turn; she was a spirit, and this colossal being …

B1 — 7. Birth of the Royal Court

POV Change:  Tiffany (Elinor’s Mother) I know … I’m slow with this serial, but Patrons chose to have this Bi-Weekly (close choice between this for weekly updates and ATM, but ATM won out).  I do what I can *bows* In another few months, I’ll probably do another poll.  We’ll see how people feel about it, then.  I mean, ATM has …