B3 — 6. Ke’Noa’Thra

PoV : 1.  Azalea (Our middle-child spider girl!) Recap:  We followed Azalea through her little mission of getting everything prepared; she made a promise with Camellia to play in the snow and do more sister stuff, like training!  Now, she, Giliri, Fini, Ramuk, and the Quen’Talrat specialists are about to enter the labyrinth beneath the mysterious northern mountains of Ke’Thra’Ma … …

B3 — 5. Family Bonds

PoV : 1.  Azalea (Our middle-child spider girl!) Recap:  Gloria was the spotlight of the last chapter, and Virgil’s love interest had some cute moments as she tried to pump herself up, get her task done, and not utterly embarrass herself!  In the end, she was rewarded with her faith in our Empress by being the second in their group …

B3 — 4. Building Faith

Note:  Back from Covid and ready to continue on the adventure!  Thanks for all the support you guys have been giving me on Discord, Patreon, and in the comment section! PoV : 1.  Gloria (Virgil’s love interest and member of the Argent Dawn) Recap:  We met Virgil, and his best friend and love interest, Gloria, while in a rather intimate moment …

B3 — 3. Given New Life

Note:  Back from Covid and ready to continue on the adventure!  Thanks for all the support you guys have been giving me on Discord, Patreon, and in the comment section! PoV : 1.  Virgil (The Leader of the Argent Dawn) Recap:  Elinor decided to raise Voukey first, her Songweaver Mythic-Grade Flock General that can project the Nexus in a set area …

B3 — 2. Fear, Communication, Or Order

PoV : 1.  Empress Elinor (Let’s Expand!) Recap:  Three days have passed since the events of the last book, and Elinor has been pondering on the directions her Empire could take.  Now, she needs to make an important decision on what perk she needs to upgrade at this early point in her growing Empire.  What will she decide? I want …

B3 — 1. Expansion

PoV : 1.  Empress Elinor (Let’s go to Volume 3!) Recap:  Our Thélméthra Queen flew express and zipped over to the Nalvean nation to collect Jumi’calro, our Nalvean boy rune scribe, to help Elinor’s city get up and running!  Oh, Tal’tamine, our Nalvean princess that was being mind controlled and that was viciously tormented by a few of her siblings …

B2 — 48. Cultivating Enmity

PoV : 1. Iris (Our Spider Queen that was trapped by Sar’ollaz for an entire week!) Recap:  We just underwent our first semi-annual general conference!  The Argent Dawn was formed and our Empress gave her first big speech to all of her citizens.  It’s going to be hard, but they’re on the path to carving out a place in this …

B2 — 47. First General Conference

PoV : 1.  Elinor (Our Goddess Lich!) Recap:  We learned what it was like for some of the kids in this new world.  Sal Vences, the 15-year-old brother of our Maid Adoncia, Alisa, his girlfriend tried to sneak away to be alone, only to be caught by his overprotective older sister! Unfortunately, Sal’s been struggling with his sister’s resurrections as …

B2 — 46. Life As A Citizen

PoV : 1.  Sal Vences (the 15-year-old brother of our Maid Adoncia) 2.  Adoncia Vences (the Maid that was rejected by Iris) 3.  Sal Vences Recap:  We went to the Quen’Talrat old mine where their weak and elderly went to die in service of the nation.  Elinor was able to gather many of the positions she needed, and now, we’re …

B2 — 45. Securing The Future

Note:  Well, I’m back!  Thanks for allowing me to take my first break in almost three years.  I had a blast with my family and actually got to play some D2 Resurrected with my brother and cousin.  I’m happy with the new chapter I’ve written … really proud of it actually.  I loved how it concluded.  Hope you enjoy this …