Volume I: Chapter 26

28th December, XXXX I grilled Sally about her whereabouts when I finally met her at the ball a few hours later. She said she was detained in the ‘queue’ waiting to greet the prince. She was accompanying her diplomat father, but the prince was nowhere to be found. When her father finally gave her permission to leave, she could not …

Volume I: Chapter 25

21st December, XXXX Early this morning, Sally sent me a few pretty masks. I chose one that looked subdued yet elegant.  The mask was made of dark blue velvet. A few gemstones lined the edge. I wore a matching dark blue gown.  “Liana, you look beautiful,” Aunt Briana praised after giving me a glance. “Aunt Briana, you look stunning. I …

Volume I: Chapter 24

20th December, XXXX I arrived in Zehan after a week. My aunt gave me a warm welcome.  Then I began my days of shopping and sightseeing with Sally. True to her words, Sally really knew Zehan well.  “Of course! I have been living here for two years already!” Sally responded with her head held up. This would be a stunning …

Volume I: Chapter 23

10th November, XXXX Pinkish flowers, red flaming leaves, pearly green sea… I want to see this world.  I am lost and confused, I want to find Liana Cain back. I need some time alone seeing the world and when I return, maybe I will become a more mature and stronger self. I realized I am just a sheltered girl all …

Volume I: Chapter 22

5th September, XXXX “Liana, dear! You must be worried sick!” Mother rushed to my side and gave me a huge hug. Mother and my brothers then started to praise Sebastian. How smart he was… what a nice trick he pulled on the traitor… how well he treated the whole family… They were all beaming with pride. As if Sebastian was …

Volume I: Chapter 21

4th September, XXXX I went back to my room after the reveal yesterday. I did not talk to Sebastian. Out of the corner of my eyes, I knew he wished to talk to me. But I did not even give him a chance. I knew he had a lot of things to handle. Aren’t I a good and considerate fiancee?  …

Volume I: Chapter 20

2nd September, XXXX Something interesting… That’s something interesting indeed.  When I entered the throne room. Lord Bentley was there too.  Sebastian was sitting on the throne. When he saw me, he stood up and led me to the throne next to his, the Queen’s throne. He motioned me to sit down.  “It’s the Queen’s throne. I am not your Queen.” …

Volume I: Chapter 19

25th August, XXXX Someone knocked on the door early this morning.  Maybe it’s not morning, maybe it’s afternoon.  Heavy drapes cover the window.  It’s Sebastian.  When I saw him, I closed my eyes.  My heart has died.  No hatred, no love, no sorrow, no guilt. Nothing. “Liana,” he called.  He must have noticed my abnormality. I did not shout. I …

Volume I: Chapter 18

1st September, XXXX I shouldn’t have trusted him… Now I can’t even get out of my room… What do you want from me? When I returned to the capital, the first thing I did was to find him. He received me. When I shouted at him hysterically, he just smiled at me. With his predator like smile. It overlapped with …

Volume I: Chapter 17

23rd August, XXXX How many times do you have to betray me, Sebastian. I trusted you. I TRUSTED YOU.  It’s all my fault. I should have stayed in the capital. I should have stayed by my family’s side. Then even if I could not delay the inevitable, I could at least die with them. You TRAITOR YOU PROMISED ME SEBASTIAN …