87. Dinner, Part 1

Logan’s convertible rolled up in front of the restaurant. He stepped out of the car and approached the valet, giving him his car keys. He opened the backseat door and held out a hand for Emily who took it gladly. Then, Logan reached for the passenger side. He also offered his hand to Alex. She accepted his gesture and slipped …

86. Logan, Not a Cab Driver

A hiss broke Logan and Alex’s eye contact. Maylin had fallen on the floor while Logan lost his grip. She turned to hiss at Alex once before she disappeared into the kitchen. Alex stepped closer to Logan. She reached out a hand to fix his collar then, she wiped off Maylin’s fur on his blazer. “Nervous?” She asked. “I don’t …

85. Friday, 5pm Sharp

“Emily, stop poking me in the eye.” Alex sat in her bathroom. Emily had brought a chair for her to sit near the sink. She had also insisted on doing her cousin’s makeup for tonight. Alex didn’t understand what the fuss was all about. She had gone to meet her parents several times already. What difference did it make if …

84. Jae Parker and Alex Carter

“It’s actually on short notice” Emily explained, “It would have happened sooner but Alex mentioned you were sick. Instead of a meetup, Aunt Angie wanted her to go and visit you.” Logan’s thought process headed towards a different direction. Emily’s words had given him a new light. “You mean the person who made Alex go to my house and cook …

83. Logan Parker and Emily Greenwood

“Are you still on about that?” Alex whispered back. “Can you blame me?” Jae held up his hand and counted with his fingers, “She has blonde hair. She is new in town. She kept asking about Logan. Sounds like a candidate for me.” Alex nudged his side with her elbow, “I showed you a picture of her before.” “It was …

82. My Boyfriend’s Best Friend

“I’m telling you, Alex. In Uno, if a person receives a +2, that person should skip a turn.” “That’s not how I play it” Alex frowned, “Where did you even get these rules?” Logan threw his hands in the air, “The internet exists. You could find any reliable source that states these rules.” “What I know is if a person …

81. The Queen of Tteokbokki

Jae had been in his car. He had skipped his last class. He checked if he had any homework he needed to turn over or any tests to take in them before deciding. Besides, the class happened to be Math. He could just ask Max’s help for the lesson he missed. At least, his best friend didn’t bore him to …

80. Are You Always This Pretentious?

“Ugh, Aunt Lilly, if you heard all of that already, don’t make me go through the tortute again” Alex groaned. She laid down on her back, placing her arm over her eyes. Maybe if she couldn’t see anything then, she wouldn’t hear anything either. Lilly chuckled, “Alright. Then, can I know how your English presentation went? Isn’t that the reason …

79. Slumber Party It Is

Alex sat near one side of the pizza, across from her two guests. She had a mental debate in her head. Either she could speak up about her side of the story and be called defensive or she could keep quiet while Emily and Lauren continued to talk about her. Oh, and Logan. Since Lauren came to her house, she …

78. Personal Bomb of Teasing

Emily should have known Alex would fail to tell stories. Somehow, she failed to see the details which others saw important. Maybe her dear cousin withheld information. It could be a combination of both. Either way, she needed more source materials. “So…” Emily began to say, “Lauren… can we have her over?” Alex raised an eyebrow, “Why?” “Oh, don’t look …