57. Lunch Time but in School

Lauren sat at Alex’s usual table, sighing contentedly. Today, she tied up her blonde hair into a high ponytail. She also wore her cheer uniform. They had cheer practice at every free time possible—even lunch! Good thing their cheer captain gave them some time to eat as short as it may be. At the sight of the menu, Lauren snickered …

56. Is it Juliet or is it Sexy Noodles?

Logan scrunched his black eyebrows at the sight of Alex suddenly hiding from him. They had been fine just a moment ago. What could have happened? Gently, he began to pull Alex’s blue blankets. “No!” He heard her complain. Alex tugged on the covers and rolled over to pin some of it under her back. Of course, this only made …

55. The Laundry Date Aftermath

Alex covered her eyes with her hand. Her breathing came out in chunks through her nose, “Please tell me when Logan really left.” Just then, a faint sound of the front door closing echoed throughout the house. “I guess he did now” Lauren teased but then, her face turned serious, “Have you told him about what happened at the party?” …

54. Tell You Love Me

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” A voice exclaimed suddenly. Both heads spun towards the doorway. Whatever blood that rushed on Alex’s face drained away. She began to stand up and almost tripped. Logan quickly grabbed her arm to help her regain balance. Lauren had her mouth agape as she took in everything, the flooded room, the laundry floating around and …

53. A Non-couple’s Laundry Date

Alex merely shrugged and got off her bed. It couldn’t be that bad. She went behind her bedroom door where she kept her laundry. Logan stayed hot on her heels and insisted on carrying the basket to the laundry room. Alex let it go just to amuse him. Then, she remembered that she had a sweater in her bag. She …

52. A Bunch of Dirty Clothes

As Alex’s alarm buzzed through the air, she switched it off. She stretched her arms and back, rolling to her side. She took a deep breath to get some strength and get up. Rubbing her eyes, she stood up and headed straight to the bathroom for her morning rituals. When she was done, she towel-dried her hair and got dressed. …

51. The After Party

Alex bit the eraser at the tip of her pencil, frowning at the Calculus equation on her study table. She left the party just before midnight. Lauren offered her a ride and she reluctantly accepted it when she realized she didn’t bring her skateboard or her aunt’s car. Unconsciously, she glanced at her phone to check for any messages. The …

50. Girls’ Night Out

“Hey, sugar. I’d like you to meet my friend, Alex. He’s a really nice guy and can give you a good time” Lauren heard Max say to a brunette girl that stood near them. She could only see the girl’s black curls that framed her face and her black dress that hugged her curves.   “Hey!” She waved at Alex, …

49. Max’s Troubled Thoughts

Alex cleared her throat, making sure to use a deep voice. “I think all that alcohol blurred your eyes” she snapped at Jae, pushing him away with the use of her elbow. Colin also grabbed Jae’s shoulder to pull him back, “Jae, take it easy, man. You usually don’t get drunk like this. Did you drink before coming here?” Jae …

48. Drunk Confessions and Questions

When Alex arrived, the party at Colin’s house already started. She could hear the booming dance music plus the mix of laughs and cheers. She could see girls in tight dresses chatting together as a group of guys played beer pong. Yet, that was only the front yard. Alex groaned and leaned on the fence of the house behind her, …