37. The Staff Room

“Hi…” Lauren giggled shyly, “Um, I know I just came by earlier—” “Where are the portfolios you borrowed?” The female staff member asked. The main staffroom had one giant counter out front. Behind it, there were cabinets that covered two walls and cubicles that made up the middle space. One wall was converted into windows that were to be used …

36. I’ll Help You

Lauren’s heart felt heavy. Set aside the fact that she just found out her crush was actually a girl, all she could see was a lonely person, a bird caged to be kept safe from predators. Her arms itched to wrap around Alex. She clenched her fists and waited for Alex to collect herself. As someone who preferred to rely …

35. Who is Alexandra Greenwood

The girls had about 15 seconds before the boys would reach their place. Quick on her wit, Alex snatched the folder away off Lauren’s hands and hid it in her bag. Her breathing grew heavier as what happened sank into her mind. Someone had planted a trap. Someone knew who she was but she had no idea what could be …

34. Cinderella Candidates aka Xandra Look-alikes

“You… did what?” Logan sat at the usual table during lunch. Again, he and Alex were across from each other. Today was National Pancake Day and to celebrate the cafeteria thought of serving pancakes for lunch. The students had the option to choose two toppings for their plate of pancakes. On Logan’s plate were three fluffy pancakes with strawberry syrup …

33. Books, Biceps and Yeah’s

At school, Alex had just rolled into the parking lot when a sight caught her eyes. Their librarians stood outside the school building with a van full of books next to them. They seemed to be taking them into the building and probably up to the library. As she came closer, Alex connected the situation to the previous announcement they …

32. My Partner, My comrade

Logan and Alex spent the rest of the day, practicing for their English project. They had moved to the kitchen to use the island counter as a substitute for the teacher’s table—an essential piece for their performance. “Think about it, Alex” Logan mused, “I can just lie on this and have my Snow White/Sleeping Beauty moment.” Alex sighed, “Logan, we …

31. Out of the Closet

Five heartbeats later, Alex said, “I will let you go now but promise me you won’t freak out nor will you speak loudly, okay?” Logan nodded slowly and Alex released him gently. She took a few steps backwards while she watched his facial expressions. Even with his freedom, Logan remained on the same spot and in the same position. The …

30. In the Closet

‘Now, do you really think I will answer that when her brother is around?’ Logan answered in his mind but the words that came out of his mouth was, “Do you really think you’re worthy enough yet to find someone for yourself?” With those words whispered into the air, Logan got up and left the cafeteria. Alex gulped. The drama …

29. Mysterious Cinderella

Logan felt lost. If last week things had been loud and full of heated arguments, this week… began quite the opposite. He glanced at Alex by his side. The lunch bell had rung 5 minutes ago and now they walked to the cafeteria. SInce this morning, Alex barely spoke a few words to him. If it weren’t for study time …

28. Alex’s Phone

Alex ran all the way to the parking lot. She bent forwards with her hands on her knees.‘That was so close…’ she thought. She really didn’t need more people knowing about Xandra’s existence. It had troubled her long enough. A few meters ahead was her aunt’s car. She had borrowed it since she already wasted time by going home to …