17. #1 Piss Off Person

Alex left the locker room as soon as she grabbed her clothes. She brisk walked to the teacher’s lounge, ignoring anything else as her cheeks turned red. When she opened the door, she found Mr. and Ms. Smith at the small sitting area. Both teachers had their laptops out along with some papers. “Alex!” Ms. Smith beamed at her, “Any …

16. Batter Up!

Alex popped a painkiller into her mouth and drank some water. The second day of school had been brutal. She wondered if Senior Year would be worse and she did not look forward to it. Fortunately, she only had one class left. Unfortunately, it was gym. They had been instructed to wait out in the field. Most of the guys …

15. A and L + C, J and M

Colin sat down on Logan’s right, inspecting his friend’s face. He could tell something was wrong. He rarely saw Logan unhappy since Logan usually had limitless battery power. Colin glanced at the other party for answers whose eyes were already on him. Colin pointed his head over Logan’s direction in question. He merely received a shrug in response. Whatever Logan …

14. Alex Carter and Logan Parker

Alex came inside the cafeteria, thinking about her time table. She organized assignments and tests according to priority. Their teachers really had no mercy now that they were in their 3rd year. School just started 2 days ago and there were already a number of things needed to do. Not to mention, her club activities… As she laid them out …

13. Lauren Williams and Colin Hale

Lauren fidgeted in her seat. She did her best to write down as much as she could from the teacher’s lecture but her neighbor distracted her. Not because he was talking to her but because he was doing nothing. In contrast to how busy she was, Alex Carter hadn’t move an inch since coming to class. She knew Alex liked …

12. Xandra’s Phone

“Oh, really?” Alex raised a brow, “Why is that?” Alex kept his voice lower than usual. The frown on his face was so deep, it seemed permanent. When two girls looked over at them, Alex caught their eye. He looked so intimidating that they scurried off. Logan gulped, “Uh…” Alex shoved him aside and proceeded to open his locker, “Say …

11. Max Peyton

Jae decided to head for school. He and Logan rode in separate cars. Driving a car brought independence to a man. As soon as they reached 13 years old, they told their parents that they refuse to share a car to school when they turn 16. Their father didn’t give in easily. He told them if they were good boys, …

10. Jae Parker

The sound of footsteps caught Mr. Parker’s attention. He tilted his head up and saw his other son going down the stairs. Jae Parker noticed his father’s thinking face from the upper floor. He had been rubbing his thumb against his chin, staring hard at nothing. His father paid no attention to his surroundings when he did this. He could …

9. Make One Friend Please

Her parents dropped her off at her aunt’s house. They didn’t go inside anymore since they had a flight to catch. Alex kissed them both on their cheeks and said her goodbyes. As she walked through the gate, she noticed the living room light was on. Her aunt must be home—and this time, for real. Sure enough, she found her …

8. Make One Friend

Alex shivered, her father’s gaze piercing through her. Great. Apparently, her father still held a grudge against that.  She drank some water to help wash down the big bite of food she just had. Then, she proceeded to scoop up another bite. “That’s different…” she mumbled. Her head remained low. The only sound on the table was her spoon hitting …