215. Live Stream Beginnings

Alex planted her forehead on the study table. Logan sat beside her, setting the laptop for a live stream. She saw her floor briefly before she closed her eyes. She lifted her head and banged it on the table. She had just suffered humiliation. Minutes earlier, she jerked back too much that she almost fell to the floor. It would …

214. Weekend Activities

Alex sat in her room. She had pulled her new hair up into a small bun, setting it at the base of her skull. She still wore her pajamas and sat cross-legged on her bed. Her fingers tapped on a laptop. Soft music played out of the speakers. The morning sun rose up from outside her window, illuminating the cool …

213. The Pep Rally

Loud boisterous music blasted out of the speakers. Alex stayed on the sidelines, Selene standing next to her. They watched the spectacle from afar. The Dance Crew had taken over the stage. They had unveiled their robes and revealed their costumes. They wore black loose cotton tops with Chinese ‘frog-style’ buttons and matching wide-leg trousers. The song switched to a …

212. Interviews with the Clubs

Woodlands Academy buzzed with energy. Excited whispers filled the hallways. Friends promised to meet each other after class. The faculty also felt the excitement. The burst of positive energy affected everyone. Uninterested students changed their minds. The anticipation could flood the gym at every available seat. Why? The Pep Rally was today. Woodlands Academy gave their all for their Pep …

211. Behind Office Doors

The sun had set when Lilly hung her head over the backrest of her chair. The dark sky dimmed the light in her office. She heaved a sigh, closing her eyes. A dull ache throbbed around her head like a rope. It threatened to squeeze her skull until it broke. When was the last time she slept? It had only …

210. Weird Companions

Alex spent the rest of club time with a pen and a notebook. She mapped out her course of action while consulting Colin and Selene. She had a week to prepare for the main event. She kept up with Colin for any club that suddenly wanted to participate. She also asked for the list of clubs, wanting to see if …

209. Club Event Coordinator, Alex

Devin made a sarcastic sound, “Oh, so she’s here for her boyfriend’s basketball championship.” “I don’t have a boyfriend,” Alex answered at once. At this point, she realised that she might be saying this a lot for the next few days. She and the secretary exchanged eye contact. Subtle hostility flexed in his dark eyes. On the other hand, Alex’s …

208. Meeting People Again

“I haven’t had the chance… but how was your parents when you got home?” Colin asked, peeking at Alex from the corner of his eye. She walked beside him in another outfit. She wore denim overalls, the bottom wide legs ending just above her knees. She used an oversized white wool sweater underneath the top. The waist belt cinched her …

215. Live Stream Beginnings

Alex planted her forehead on the study table. Logan sat beside her, setting the laptop for a live stream. She saw her floor briefly before she closed her eyes. She lifted her head and banged it on the table. She had just suffered humiliation. Minutes earlier, she jerked back too much that she almost fell to the floor. It would …

207. Notifications from an Angel

Things didn’t go quite as Alex planned. For one, she could never really hurt Lauren. Second, her friend merely had good intentions. Alex had to admit that it was a clever move. Maybe it would have been better if the video had been cut… but it would be too abrupt since she and Logan held the conversation until the end. …