186. The Chase through the Storm

Jae couldn’t distinctly describe the shock that enraptured his nerves when he came out of the classroom. He met an entire mess. Foot traffic in between classes was bad enough… but with flyers everywhere? It became chaotic. The hallways were cramped. Nobody thought of moving somewhere else. Everyone merely stood still. The teachers and staff did their best to discipline …

185. And the Rain Came Down

“The two of you are such monsters” Colin remarked with a shake of his head. Math class just ended. Some of his classmates had their things ready and left the second that they heard the bell rang. The chairs had become empty by the time Colin got up from his seat at the back. He walked towards the front, approaching …

184. How the Sky Fell

Skye blinked several times. The events hadn’t fully sank in yet. Questions also popped from various spots in her mind. Since when did Logan know about it? Who else knew about it? Did Xandra also know that he did? The way she perceived things before slowly changed—particularly, the time she found Logan and Xandra at the Stitz Diner. Their closeness …

183. Childhood Friend Story

Logan scowled and searched in his brain. If Skye had mentioned it before, he couldn’t recall it right away. One of the reasons why he didn’t think she’d need him was because she had been somewhat vague in storytelling. Unless it happened in their school, she hardly told more than a few details. Something about getting into trouble if she …

182. Logan’s Balance Scale

Skye entered the campus premises 30 minutes before the first bell rang. Her mother’s personal car rolled up in the parking lot and picked a spot near a good hiding place. She wrapped a scarf around the sides of her face. She also brought out a pair of sunglasses before she climbed out. A few vehicles already occupied the place. …

181. Back to School

“So, was Aunt Lilly harsh on you?” Logan asked from the driver’s seat. He sneaked a glance towards Alex. She slouched in her seat, her right ankle on top of her left knee. She gazed out of the windshield. She hadn’t said more than a ‘hi’ to him since he picked her up. The trip from yesterday was a risky …

180. Family Ties and Relations

A black convertible rolled up a wide front lawn. Its surface glinted even without a light source. Not a scratch nor a dent was visible. It always gave the impression that it was newly bought. The path curved in a wide arc that rotated around a fountain in front of a Greek-styled mansion. A servant scooped out the leaves that …

179. What Did You Miss? An M and an E

Logan parked his car inside the garage. He spent his time on the road, calming down his breathing pattern. His inhales and exhales flowed too swiftly. He felt his ears turn cold at one point. If he didn’t regulate his lungs, he’d pass out in the middle of driving. That wasn’t a pretty picture in his head. He sensed a …

178. The Waiting Team

Logan stepped out of the lockers rooms, freshly showered and dressed in clean clothes. The cheerful chatter behind him disappeared when he closed the door. His feet led him down the familiar hallways and towards the exit. His shoulders slouched. Since Jae had been missing in action, the coach decided to appoint Max as their temporary captain for their club …

177. Get Rid of Him

Jae pushed himself off the wall. He lifted his arm and his hand clasped Neal’s. The gesture produced a clapping sound. Both parties had a firm grip as they shook hands. Their gazes betrayed zero emotion while they assessed each other. “I’m Jae Parker. It’s nice to meet you and I appreciate the offer” Jae responded with a nod, “I’ll …