166. Closed Door, Open Hearts (II)

Logan’s chest coughed out a snort. He pressed the side of his fist over his mouth. His head snapped to the side. He stayed still and listened. When he didn’t hear anything, he tucked his legs into a cross under his thighs. Then, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his bent knees. He glanced at his window. The inside …

165. Closed Door, Open Hearts (I)

Alex’s heart thumped inside her chest. Sweat dripped down her temple, cold fear clouding her senses. She shuffled her running feet to a stop once she reached the living room. Unmoving emerald green eyes stared at her. Gray ones darted all over his face. What could he be thinking? Logan looked over Alex’s head and spotted Jae at the door. …

164. Open Wounds, Closed Lips

The living room carried a heavy atmosphere. Noises vanished but what remained rang clear. Unmentioned thoughts bounced off mental walls. Neither party dared to speak again. Both observed the other and waited for a response. Logan squeezed his eyes shut, bowing his head. Jumbled words and sentences swirled in his mind. The memory from years ago resurfaced vividly and vaguely. …

163. A Time to Reflect

Logan woke up groggily. He could sense the sand around his eyes as he opened them. His head felt heavy and throbbed at different spots. His pillow also smelled like he drooled somewhere. It definitely wasn’t an attractive way to wake up. What time was it? He thought. His hand tapped on the bed and searched for his phone. The …

162. What to Do?

“Skye?” Colin blinked in surprise, “You look well. I didn’t think it would be possible to see you again around here.” It wasn’t entirely a lie. Even now, with her in front of him, it seemed surreal. She and her family had packed up and left almost immediately after the breakup. They had several theories—the one about Jae being the …

161. Game, Set and Go!

“I can’t believe that she’s still in town!” Emily exclaimed, “School resumes on Monday for goodness’ sake!” Alex made a face from her seat. She had her arms folded over her chest and slouched on the backrest. Her cousin kneeled on the bench across from her, binoculars in her hand and on her eyes. The window had a hedge of …

160. A Game Plan

“Aw, come on. You’re not still mad about the photo, are you?” Jae glanced over the passenger seat. His companion stared out the car window, sulking by herself, “I’m just saying if you need someone off your back, I am willing to volunteer.” His eyes went back to the road in front of him. The pain in his legs had …

159. The Dinner Prize

“The Stitz Diner? Really?” Emily made a face. They stood outside the entrance, dark sky hovering above. They made one stop before driving out. Since they spent almost two hours in the arcade, the optical shop already finished Jae’s contact lenses. She refused to wait for him to try them on. Free dinner or not, her stomach growled in hunger. …

158. But Can You Dance?

“Oh, what is it now? Bats?” Emily groaned. She just went through mutant sea creatures, modified insects, altered swamp animals and weird experimentations in a lab. She couldn’t think what else could possibly happen. Her bottom already hurt from sitting too long. Her back also had gone stiff. Jae glanced at her as she craned her neck, “Do you want …

157. An Island Vacation

Passersby glanced over the Air Hockey table. Some guardians covered their children’s ears and searched for the source to reprimand. Jae’s shoulders shook as he buried his face in one hand. The elbow rested on the table and his upper body hunched over. He didn’t even care about losing. He couldn’t have made a better speech. Emily held her hands …