156. Bastard! Puck You!

Emily’s screen zoomed out of the car. This way she could see what’s in front of it better based on her perspective. It passed by the fifth car and released the gas. She swerved along the curve. Then, she picked up speed again, catching up to the 4th car. Jae smiled to himself. Hot on the red Lamborghini’s tail, he …

155. TGIF! It’s Not a Date!

Emily’s hands lifted two dresses in front of her. The shades and tones matched her complexion but she didn’t know which color to go for. One of them was a soft blue with a flared skirt. The other had a bodycon cut in clear pink. Both shapes flattered her frame. Yet, which color should she pick? She turned around and …

154. Time With You

“So… classmate from middle school?” Alex scooped a portion of the chocolate mousse. She waited for Logan to open about Skye’s presence. The girl did introduce herself as someone affiliated with him and not her. For the most part of her stay, Alex resorted to observe more than act. Logan’s attitude had been quite a surprise. She became curious as …

153. A Bite Of Lasagne

Skye folded her arms, resting her elbows on the table. She leaned forward. Her eyes took Alex in. It was her first time to see it close up. She wondered how no one could figure out that the guy she pretended to be was fake. “You’re quite skinny for a guy.” “Oh, don’t underestimate him” Logan suddenly said, “Alex has …

152. Three Is A Crowd

“If I don’t come back in 10 minutes… don’t eat my lasagne.” Logan snorted, “Just go.” He watched Alex’s back disappear. When a man passed her by, he realized again how slim she was. He shook his head. If he had been tempted to eat the lasagne before, that idea vanished from his mind. The girl clearly needed to eat …

151. TGIF! It’s a Date!

“Why are we here?” The sun set on the horizon, adding warm colors into the Stitz Diner. It brought the yellow hues in Alex’s hair. Logan took a moment to take in her confused face. He had learned to enjoy her obliviousness. It became an endearing feature about her. “To celebrate!″ He exclaimed, making it sound obvious. They sat on …

150. Is There Anyone Else?

Compared to the staff room, the Principal’s Office wasn’t meant to accommodate several guests at a time. An appropriate space had only been laid out for necessity. The desk, the chairs and two benches on opposite walls filled the floor plan. Others had been taken up by shelves and cabinets. With Alex on the chair in front of Lilly, the …

149. After School Events

“Another one?” Emily gasped. She wore skinny jeans and a turtleneck sweater. Aunt Lilly instructed Alex to head to the Principal’s Office after school. When Alex messaged Emily earlier about it, she changed her outfit to cover more skin. Their date had been postponed to tomorrow. She wasn’t about to be left behind and came as well. “I don’t get …

148. Troublesome Words

Logan kissed Alex’s temple. Every nerve Alex had, from her head to her toes, intensified. She kept her eyes on the wall. They popped out of their sockets. Words from yesterday floated to the front of her mind. They spoke clear and true. ‘—A forehead/temple kiss is the most meaningful and affectionate gesture. No matter what age.’ Her neck flamed …

147. Troublesome Thoughts

“You sure you’re going to be okay?” Lauren asked. She stared at Alex, her eyebrows scrunching. She barely said a word since she asked Principal Parker to let them attend class. Ms. Kich glanced at them suspiciously when she gave their hall passes. Now, they stood outside the staff room. From here, they needed to part ways since they have …