Volume 2 Chapter 25 – Emergency

Harri Streams of sunlight filtered through a thin layer of clouds as the daylight washed the gray sky into pastel colors. Birds were singing melodious chorus so as to awake their surroundings, the twilight slowly melting away. It was a beautiful and calm morning of summer. “It can’t believe it! I won’t tolerate this any longer!” “Please calm down, My …

Volume 2 Chapter 24 – A Legendary Magical Beast

Lynett Why do this always happen to me?a Currently, my hands are tied together and there is a cloth over my head, covering my face. Yep, there is no mistake, I am being abducted. A few moments ago, I was still talking to Aoban and Lukas. I tried to get more information about the demi-human who escaped, but none of …

Volume 2 Chapter 23 – Reunion

Lynett After walking for about ten minutes, we had finally arrived. The academy was at least as big as a small city, and with the students going from one class to another, it was easy to miss someone. However, Lukas seemed to know perfectly Aoban’s schedule as he knew exactly where to find him at this moment. By the time …

Volume 2 Chapter 22 – Encounter

Lynett “Lynett Maedis Whiteheart! You’re finally here! I’ve been expecting you!” A skinny man heartily exclaimed as he saw me walking in, accompanied by the chief secretary. He was the headmaster of the Arcane Academy. Seated in his office, he already appeared somewhat tall, but when he got up to greet me, I saw how tall he really was. He …

Volume 2 Chapter 21 – Arrival

Lynett [Map]. With this single word of mine, a new window appeared in front of me, similar to the status screen. However, this time, instead of the usual tables, there were drawings of lands and oceans. The world map. It’s been a couple of days since the intrusion was first reported and to be honest, there hasn’t been much progress …

Volume 2 Chapter 20 – Disappearance

  -Earth  The sleek subway was running over the railway so fast that the world sliding by the window became a hazy blur. Inside, people were invading each others’ personal space, jostling back and forth each time the vehicle accelerated or slowed down. As the windows were whistling, sucking in the stale tunnel air, there were small movements among the passengers. …

Volume 2 Chapter 19 – Unknown Object

It was a land of endless woods. The densely packed trees loomed high above, but their twigs curled in a distorted way, as the cold and the wind still howled in tempestuous gusts. The forest, dark and foreboding, was bereft of noise, as if every rustle was stolen away in the night. A thick mist floated in the air, as …

Side story – A Mysterious Young Mistress

Ivy I remember my first meeting with the young mistress. It had only been a few months since the attack on the Whiteheart household when I joined them. With the lord and his son still nowhere to be found, the lord’s younger brother was temporarily bestowed with the title of Marquis of Eskor. The investigation kept going but as the …

Side Story – A Mother’s Circumstances

 Azariah   How did this happen? The ground was completely stained in red and the reek of blood spread out. “Take the women and the children alive, and kill the men!” A soldier shouted. Dead bodies could be seen everywhere. There were those who had been killed trying to protect their loved ones and those who ended their own life, …

Side Story – My Little Sister

 Aoban My younger sibling is soon going to be born. If it’s a boy, then he’ll become a warrior. He’ll be strong and fearless. I’ll teach him swordsmanship and we will play knights together. Sometimes, maybe we will get into a fight. But we will make up and then we will pull a prank on mommy together. And when we …